Please see above notes. But, it couldn't have gone worse, I guess! Incompetent, inconsiderate and uncompassionate describes the way they handled my house cleaning. They left my house dirtier than when they came to it! It was unblieveably difficult experience to go through right after an inter-state move as a disabled single mother!
Description of Work: I am disabled and cannot clean my house any more. I have a very high standard of cleanliness and communicated this with Jo Ashley, the owner of this outfit when she called me immediately after I used HomeAdvisor search engine looking for cleaning services in the area. I told her that we just moved into our home from out of state and that the house was not dirty before our move in but it had not been deep cleaned for a long while either. So, I gave her the number of the bedrooms, bath, sq.ft. of the house and asked her for an estimate. She quoted me $90 for the whole house clean on the phone. Then, I asked her about cleaning my lanai and garage additionally and perhaps on "as needed" basis later on if I was happy with her services and wanted to keep hiring them for my house cleaning. She said she needed to come by and see the lanai and garage so we sat up time and she came with the girl (Amy) that was supposed to be working at my home. They looked at everything and I pointed out the dust and debris on the ledges, decorative wall spaces that gather lots of dust in 3 of the 4 bedrooms, greesy finger prints on the cabinet doors, the cobwebs that were difficult to see if you don't pay attention on a 9 ft. ceilings, etc. and asked if they all would be taken care of. And, they both said that they would! After walking thru the entire house including the lanai and garage with me pointing to all the areas that I wanted thoroughly and carefully cleaned, Joan said, "The price I quoted you on the phone stands but there will be $25 extra for cleaning of lanai and $25 extra for cleaning the garage, each taking 1 hour of careful cleaning." I said that that was fine. I schedule the cleaning with her for Tuesday, 04/9/13, to start at 11AM because I am usually not funcational earlier in the day. Amy was supposed to come but on Tuesday she calls me at 11AM and says that she is running behind on the job she is at and she needs 4 hours at my house so she won't be able to make it today and if it was ok for her to come the next day, Wed. I hesitantly agreed and told her but I had cleared out my schedule for that day so she could spend as long as necessary for getting my whole house clean. I was shocked at the 4 hr. limit that Joan, the boss, had given her for my house cleaning because the lanai and garage each would take 1 hr., how could this girl clean another 2400 sq. ft. of living space thoroughly within 2 hours. I am unable to take any stress or argument of any kind due to my neurological disorders. So, I told her that I had scheduled a doctor's appointment for Wed. afternoon at 2. Amy said that she would start at my house at 10 and be done by 2. Again, I gave her the benefit of my doubt and thought that they knew what they were doing and would get the job done well. So, she comes at 10 on Wed. 04/10/13 and starts working from the back of my house forward, from my son's bathroom. I saw her using the broom and duster instead of the vacuum cleaner and asked her about it. She told me that if I didn't want other people's pet smells in my house, where no pets live, she should use my own vacuum cleaner. I showed her how to use my latest model Kirby but she was not even done with my son's bedroom/bath by 12. So, I asked her how she was going to get done. She said that she could come back the next day, Thr. 04/11. I told her that I had another doctor's apt. at 2. She said she would be back at 10 and will be done by 2. She called me at 10 on Thr. saying she was running late at the house she was cleaning and wouldn't be at my house until after 11. She got there at 11:45, all flustered, anxious, and clearly upset. I felt bad for her and she opened up telling me that Joan overbooked her and didn't give her enough time to do the jobs right. She said, she had told Joan my house would take 8 hours to clean thoroughly, 6 hours for the house and 2 hrs. for lanai and garage but Joan gave her only 4 hrs. for the whole job. She said that this is what she has done to her with all other houses in the 2 weeks she had been working with Joan. She said that she was afraid Joan wouldn't pay her for this job if she didn't finish my home and bring her my check today because it was payday. I told her to try to finish as much as possible and that if she wants I will call Joan and complain about the way that my (first)house cleaning had been handled without enough time for her to do the job on Tuesday in one trip. So, I called Joan around 12:30 on Thr. and very kindly and respectfully told her that so far I was happy with the way she had cleaned my son's bathroom and it seemed she was thorough but that there was still the whole house to be cleaned and 4 hrs. was a gross underestimation of the job. She denied that she had given Amy only 4 hours for my whole house cleaning. She said that she had given her 4 hours for the house and 2 hours for the lanai and garage and that next time they would schedule my house cleaning so they would have enough time to clean the house without having to come back. I told her but she wasn't going to get done today because I had to leave at 2 and she only had until 1:45 to clean. Joan said that Amy would schedule to come back and get it all done. Well, Amy got my bathroom done and very lightly touched the floors of my bedroom before I had to lock up. She said that she was done with my house cleaning and now only the lanai and garage were left. She said that she couldn't come back on Fri. but she could on Sat. I asked her to walk the house with me so I could show her all the parts she had missed because my house was still very dirty. I took her room by room and pointed out all that had been missed. She said that she had done it, I would wet my finger and wipe it and show her that it hadn't been cleaned otherwise it would go away just like I was wiping it away with my wet finger alone! She said that she would have to work 4 more hours in my house in order to get it done to my satisfaction and I told her that that was our agreement and I wasn't showing her anything that I had not discussed and shown originially to both of them. She said that she would have to talk to Joan and have her come back to my house with her so they could do it together. I told her that that's a great idea and I would wait to hear from her and Joan with a time to come together to finish the job. She said that she had time until her next job to clean the lanai still which was not locked so I let her do it, thanked her, locked up and left. When I returned from my doctors appointment with my 13 year old son, we found 1/2 of the lanai clean and the other 1/2 left unclean and 2 flower pots in the middle of our pool with all the dirt and debris of them floating all around in the pool. Amy, had apparently accidentally dropped the pots in the pool while cleaning the alani but left them there for us to fish out and clean out. I didn't hear back from neither Joan nor Amy on Fri. or Sat. I was very upset about how this company had wasted an entire week making a very ineffective attempt to clean my house but had just dropped the ball and didn't care to finish the job whatever it took on a timely manner, call to check or come out to check the job, etc. So, I called Amy and she said that she broke her foot on Thr. night somewhere around town and that Joan knew she couldn't finish the work at my house and had told her nothing about how she would take care of my house cleaning except that, "Megan can wait." How rude and inconsiderate of a disabled single mother who needed their help to get the job done right the first time in one shot on the day it was supposed to have been done, Tuesday 04/09/13! So, I took videos of the house's surfaces on Thursday and Friday to have evidence of the way they had left my house dirty and messy so if they later claimed that they had cleaned my house, I could show them the messy and dirty state of my house after they left it on Thr.. Sunday, 04/14 since I could no longer bear living in a house with dirty floors, I asked my son to help me vaccum the house and garage. It took us several hours and numerous breaks to vaccumm the house. I ended up in bed the entire week of 04/15-04/21 due to exacerbated excruciating pain and fatigue because of the stress Joan and Amy caused me in regards to my house cleaning and the state in which they left my house! My neurological conditions place huge limitations on my ability to do anything stressful or physically demanding. Sunday, I received an email request from HomeAdvisor to rate and provide feedback on Clean & Shiny Homes' services that they had recommended so I completed that survey and review. Low and behold, Monday morning 04/15, I got a call from Joan saying, "I am disappointed that you left negative feedback for me on the survey and I went above and beyond for you for your house cleaning and you told me you were happy with Amy's work." What an audacity?!