Nothing but problems, headache and stress from begining to end of the roofing job. To massive headaches, a house painting, interior house damage from multiple severe roof leaks and a total garage re-roofing. Out of pocket costs after All PRO ROOFING was done with my roof job has been $16,600. Stay away from them they are the worst roofing company around.
Description of Work: I needed a new tile roof after hurrican Wilma ripped the tiles off of my roof. All Pro Roofing was the only company to respond to my phone call. They came out, gave me an estimate for a complete re-roof, that was a glue/foam down system. I signed the contract for the glue/foam down re-roofing system with new tile. The problems started from the very begining, the men cut a hole in my lania roof and put a goose neck right in front of my bedroom window. There wasn't one there before, why did they cut one in? No answers. Their crew was so sloppy ripping off the nw roof that they ripped holes in my hew screening. They used a bad nail gun that only shot the nails used to secure the coins to hold the rolled tar paper down 3/4 of the way dow, so there were hundreds of nails sticking 1/4-3/4 of an inch up. I was told by the roofer "don't worry when we do the tar down it will be ok. B.S. they failed their first inspection for way too many high nails, they would have ripped right through the tar down. They had to send a crew with hammers to hammer down the high nails. I failed every inspection from then on, and All Pro Roofing would come and take away the failure notice, which is a violation in itself. ALL PRO ROOFING did not know any of the codes in Palm Beach. Then I came home from Disney and my roof was completed, but the roof over the garage was all nailed down. Not foamed down like I paid for. Basically they made the roof over my garage water tight, then shot several hundred hole in it, making it swiss cheese. I was told by Steve Teittelbaum, "that the roof angle was too great and the only way to do the roof was to shoot it down with nails, ask the building code insector." I did, not true, as the pitch was greater then the one he put on my permit, I needed battons, insection "Failed." All Pro Roofing took the failure noticed, went up to Palm Beach, changed the permit, waited a week and called for a new inspection. The inspector came out, didn't see the failyre notice, saw the corrected permit and passed me. I called the county, faxed all th copies of the failure notice up to the head person, informed them that no battons were installed, yet my roof passed with no corrections made.How come? All Pro Roofing came out and ripped off my whole garage roof installed battons, but never retarred my roof, so basically it was swiss cheese. The county passed and finalled the roof. Finally no more problems...wrong. Tar all over the house, the crew leaned against my garage door when it was raining, and my garage door was now orange. They shot nails through my gutters. They painted my house where the tar was, 3/4 of my house was now grey, not sogie white, my garage door looked like a checker board, they only painted the faces of the pattern on the door. I had to have my whole house painted. We had a massive rain storm, I had massive leaks through the gables, it destroyed the sheet rock inside ,my house, and around my front window. I had to have all the sheet rock ripped out and replace. All Pro came, and said it was my second story window leaking. They sprayed the window directly with water at an agle that rain would never hit it like and there were 3 drops pf water on the inside sill. Steve said"you see it is the window." We went out side and I sprayed the Gable and long behold it was a waterfall. He said that was "residual water." They fixed the nail holes and patched the corner of the flashing up by gable, no more leak. That leak, and the painting of my home was $12,000. All Pro refused to pay their insurance co-pay to me. Then we are having a massive rain storm and I hear dripping water above me inside the garage, I go up in the attic of my garage, leaks. I call All Pro Roofing, Steve Teitelbaum comes out, and says "there is no leak." I tell him put your hand on it it is wet, ok he fixes it. I think everything is finally ok. 3 years later 11/09, I am getting my house ready to put on the market and I am going over things that need repairing in my house, and we see a huge water stain down on the ceiling by my front window, so we go up- stairs go upstairs and look at the ceiling in the room above my front window and there is a bubble in the ceiling with water dripping out of it. I go up in the garage and see that there are at least 10 leaks in the roof. I call All Pro Roofing, Steve Teitelbaum comes out, comes in the house and right off the bat says "did you fix the window"? I said "nope I never had a leak in the window." He looks at the bubble and says"I don't see a leak, I start yelling, he leaves, I never had a chance to show him the leaks in the garage. He refuses to do the repairs, the roofer I called to fix his mistake, speaks to Steve Teitelbaum, and tells him "he really screwed my roof up and should come and fix it." Teitelbaum tells him "nope, not fixing it, tell him to Sue Me." Now I had to have my whole garage roof ripped off and redone. it has cost me $4,600, so all said and done, ALL PRO ROOFING has cost me $16,600, plus all the headaches. Stay away from them at all costs. Their company should be called ALL HEADACHE ROOFING,