Response from A Accurate Appliance Repair
Customer made a mistake about our charge. She was charged nothing and paid nothing. Customer was given pricing guidelines when she called to make appointment, stating she wanted an appointment the following week on a specific day, and stating someone would be home the entire day. The person setting the appointment schedule is not a servicer and called customer the evening before to confirm appoiontment at which time customer was angry and had some scheduling conflict. This customer was provided pricing guidelines and NEVER given a final price quote. Customer provided some info on the appliance when she requested the appointment, stating that another company had been out to service her appliance, gave her a diagnosis and told her to order a thermostat. We created an appointment around her conflict, after her child’s orthodontist appointment, AFTER 2 p.m. and did not ask customer to change family plans. It is our practice to contact customer to advise when servicer is on the way. When servicer called to announce his visit, he explained to customer that he may or may not agree with a diagnosis by the prior company. However, he explained that if the appliance has been diagnosed properly, that particular service is an extensive repair, and it is important to understand the possibility of the potential repair charges involved. The customer became angry, and stated that she had already stopped payment on the prior servicer's check. At that time, customer requested service cancellation from our company. We did NOT cancel this customer’s appointment; customer cancelled the appointment. To reiterate, she was charged nothing and paid nothing, and we never entered her home. Our only contact was by telephone.