Member Comments: To begin with - we never had any communications, inspection results discussions or any contact whatsoever with homeowners wife .. yet in the end it appears all issues and misunderstandings have resulted in homeowners wife not having been part of any work or communications. This always presents a problem and (The Mr. ) was very apologetic about this fact to my lead man and even offered to buy him a beer? Regrettably - I cannot be responsible about what a husband and wife do not communicate about. First of all we met with husband only ( no wife present ) and clearly defined the problems, issues, glass issues, and our objectives and why we charge for estimates "prior" to even scheduling an appointment. It appears that customer now makes this sound like a "negative" on our part. We are a highly specialized small shop and perform a needed service that is impossible to obtain locally for the Oldach Brand of windows since they have been out of business since 1999. There is no one else locally that does what we do .. nor anyone with the expertise and complete experience and knowledge - a sure sign that we do "in fact" know what we are talking about. Customer was surely free to investigate these issues "before" agreeing to the terms and conditions - and not complain after all was completed. To Begin With: Once we started our agreed work .. the customer ( Mr. Only ) started making changes and adding and eliminating work items and wanting my lead man to give him prices etc. which is not according to company policy, and this was explained. Several "glass issues" were pointed out to homeowner ( Mr. Only ) - IN FACT - homeowner signed and was aware of our "glass liability waiver" which in part basically states that we are: NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY GLASS ISSUES ON 20+ YEAR OLD GLASS ARISING FROM ANY HANDLING OR ADJACENT WORK RELATED ITEMS WHATSOEVER .. so customer was well aware of this. In fact we have the signed copy on file - signed by homeowner ( Mr. Only ) Dated 6/8/14 on file as follows: STANDARD GLASS / OLD WINDOW WORK JOB SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR: ANY LOSS DUE TO ANY GLASS BREAKAGE, GLASS CRACKING OR CHIPPING, SCRATCHING OR ANY GLASS PROBLEMS WHICH MAY ARISE FROM THE HANDLING OF ANY GLASS PRODUCTS WHATSOEVER. THIS INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO ANY GLASS THAT MAY BE ATTACHED TO or ADJOINED TO, OR ADJACENT TO, ANY SURFACES RELATED TO ANY WORK BEING PERFORMED. THIS INCLUDES ALL WINDOW WORK, TILE OR DOOR WORK OF ANY KIND, OR OTHERWISE RELATED TO ANY WORK SCOPE OR DEMOLITION WORK, DAMAGES THAT MAY BE DUE TO VIBRATIONS, MOVEMENTS, SETTLING OR OTHER ISSUES OR RELATED TO ACTS OF GOD. Here's The Bottom Line: We are not responsible for any glass breakage unless it is a "direct result" of our own negligence - ie., something like dropping a piece of glass or dropping a tool, improperly placing a ladder against glass window etc. In laymen's terms - this means that if we are working on an old window or sash frame etc., that has moved, settled or otherwise fallen victim to any forces of nature, weather, sticking due to poor maintenance, heating and deterioration of sealants, improper painting, sweating, screeching, fogging, rotting of sash frames or window frame components ( This includes windows that are painted or swelled shut, sticking frames, broken counterweights or cranks and rotted frames or casings ) This also means that in the normal course of our business involving removals, replacements, handling, or cleaning such glass items as old windows, old sash frames, wall or door mirrors, wall cabinets with glass, doors of any type with glass, window glazing or any window component including any glass whether it be annealed insulated glass, tempered glass, or single or double strength glass - all old glass is excluded from any warranty or liability on the part of the contractor and unless otherwise noted in the contract - we are not responsible. PLEASE NOTE: SOME GLASS REPLACEMENTS ARE NOW RESTRICTED AND OR GOVERNED BY STATE, FEDERAL AND LOCAL CODES (LAWS) AND MAY REQUIRE REPLACEMENTS WITH A MATERIAL OF MUCH HIGHER QUALITY AND PRICE THAN THAT OF THE ORIGINAL SINGLE PANE GLASS, AND CONTRACTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SAID COSTS CAUSED AND / OR CREATED BY GOVERNMENTAL REGULATION, LAWS OR CODES. This has been satisfactorily explained to me or included as part of my project work or proposal. PLEASE NOTE: Owners Signature Is On File ( Mr. only ) with contract and Job Quoitation Owner Stated: When they finally come out to do the windows, I had assumed they quoted us on the wood bead for the ENTIRE window. But what a consumer looks at as an entire window, they do not. Let me explain: The owner thought that a "double-wide ganged unit" .. consisting of two complete separate windows with a half-round upper unit .. is one window? It is Not and we clearly explained that to homeowner ( Mr. only ) - that is THREE (3) WINDOWS? Owner Stated: When working on one of our windows, the tech pointed out that the seal was broken (but there was just a little moisture in the very lower corner). ANSWER: a little moisture showing between an insulated glass pane is a "broken seal" .. period. The visibility of said broken seals is affected by temps, moisture, humidity etc. - we pointed all this out to homeowner ( Mr. only ) - in the end, after completion it is homeowners wife who is saying we have done a poor job? Owner Stated: However, they broke the gas seal on every window they touched (except the one they replaced). ANSWER: Although I take "exception" to the possibility of any such statement in lieu of all we explained to homeowner ( Mr ) on several occasions, THE SIGNED DAMAGE WAIVER supersedes any such claims. However, all that being said - please keep in mind these are 20+ year old Oldach windows and we surely cannot be responsible for things we recommended be replaced and fixed - yet were rejected by the homeowner. ( Mr ) Owner Stated: I also had to call them back right after the left as the only did the wood bead on one side of the window. ANSWER: We pointed all this out to homeowner (Mr. ) and he opted not to do these parts until after we were gone and then wanted us to come back and do them? I only have to assume the homeowner (Mrs.) was not in agreement with her husbands decisions? Owner Stated: When I contacted CJ about this, he said I should find someone else, that they were booked for the next month and pointed out that in their contract, they are not responsible for breaking seals on windows they work on or adjacent windows according to our damage waiver of which he signed. ANSWER: This is correct. I feel as though customer does not understand the nature of 20+ Year Old insulated glass units. Fails to understand the damage waiver he signed. In said discussions it was clear he expected more work for no cost to him and actually threated some negative press toward our business. I do not respond well to "threats" .. when my entire customer relationships are built on honesty and straight-forwardness. Owner Stated In Email: Now I'm stuck with having to pay for (1.) four new windows or (2.) paying to have the moisture in between the panes removed (if possible). ANSWER: We pointed all this out to homeowner ( Mr. ) and offered to order glass and correct all problems with his windows before finishing and leaving his project. He opted not to do so at that time. Owner Stated In Email: Also, we were going to have them replace the bead/trim on the two basement windows but when they came out to do the job, they realized that the sills would need replaced on each window and not just the bead. In other words, at the time of the initial walk around, they failed to actually get up close to the window to look at it. ANSWER: Our estimates and specs state: All normal materials are allowed as specified only. SASH REPLACEMENTS WERE DISCUSSED AND OWNER OPTED NOT TO HAVE DONE. Furthermore our specs state: Our inspection and window evaluations are based on our experience with Oldach window products over the past 23 years. Our objective is to provide professional grade services and related installation services. Our goal is to strive to bring every window to within acceptable levels wherever possible; However, please note that no matter how hard we try, this assessment in no way constitutes a 100% complete or thorough determination of each and every aspect of your project, or its final costs. We are not responsible for hidden damages and damages beyond what is clearly "visible" upon our inspections, and therefore we cannot be liable for repairs and / or additional costs arising from hidden or concealed damages and none are allowed per the scope of this project unless otherwise specifically outlined in this proposal. BUSINESS OWNERS RESPONSE: I regret that such actions took place and that customer's / homeowners wife, did not completely understand all the items, conditions and job specs as we clearly discussed with her husband. However, we cannot be responsible for this type of miscommunication, and find it regrettable. Owner / WeFixItUSA