Response from Belmont Clean Healthy Cleaning + Flood Restoration
[member name removed], Thanks for sharing your concerns. I wanted to take a moment to address them. 1. We are more expensive than most other carpet cleaners in the valley, however we are more cost-effective and cheaper in the long run. With the cheaper once-over with steam cleaning, the high pressure cleaning (over 400 pounds pressure per square inch) pushes the soil deep into the carpet pad, where it often resurfaces within a few weeks of the cleaning. Combined with soap residues that also aid in rapid resoiling - you will need to clean your carpets every few months (at the lower price) as opposed to doing it once every year (or two, if you take your shoes off) with our system. Also, the high temperature of steam cleaning will drastically reduce the longevity/life of your carpet, as it loosens the glue backing, and over time causes it to crack and deteriorate - necessitating premature replacement (and carpet is usually the single most expensive replaceable item in the home). With our system, you avoid all these issues, your carpets stay cleaner longer, you need less frequent cleanings since ours is a deep and thorough five-step process, and you get better quality products (100% Green Seal Certified, healthy, and residue free). Carpet cleaning is no exception to the rule of 'you get what you pay for'. 2. While we do have multiple brush options on the third (of five) steps, we adjust for the particular type of fiber (i.e. nylon, poly, wool, silk, olefin, etc) to where we can clean all four sides of the fiber, but with no negative impact. On delicate fibers (like silk and some wools) we even modify the process to provide very mild agitation through the fourth step only. If you are seeing fibers that are 'fuzzed out', it's typically a result of regular wear, abrasive soils, how aggressive your vacuum is (or infrequent vacuuming) - and even poor pile design (like frieze) can lead to this. What our system does it pick up all the fibers, clean them, and groom them to set the face fibers in one direction. So while I would need to confirm in person (comparing the fiber wear from traffic lanes to the fiber wear along the edges - to see if the 'fuzzing' is consistent) it's usually the case that it's normal wear that becomes more obvious when the fibers are lifted back up into view, rather than in their more common state of being laid flat under foot traffic. Regardless, we always stand 100% behind our work, and if you would like, we would be happy to come out again - free of charge - to address any of your concerns. Feel free to call us any time. Regards, ~Joel Belmont Belmont Clean 970.927.1313