As a licensed Landscape Architect in Los Angeles, Jeremy Taylor Landscapes provides a full service design studio to our clients. We try to advocate the best value while working within each client’s individual budget and maintaining the sustainable green aspect of the site. One method of achieving budgetary conservation is through reusing existing materials that exist onsite whether it is salvaging plant material or broken concrete. Another way is through a long-term broad scope approach to water management over the future years of the project, by allowing for water efficient irrigation and drought tolerant plant design. Also, with the use of permeable materials such as gravel, decomposed granite, decks, and planted joints between pavers & flagstone, we try to allow water to percolate naturally into the soil to refill the deprived water table in the ground. But, the true test of a great design is the balance between the client’s needs, their personality, the client’s wants, the context and essence of the setting, the site ecology, and style of the architecture. Our firm tries to preserve the stylistic integrity of our vision while adding a personal touch to the care of each client from the design process through construction observation. This mixture allows us to forge long lasting relationships with our clients and fulfill the owner’s enjoyment of the transformation of their garden.
Graduating from The Ohio State University in 1997, with a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, Jeremy expanded his knowledge base with work experience in resort design, urban design & planning, park & recreation design, and design-build residential construction. Subsequently in 2002, he mentored under Jay Griffith, one of the top vanguard landscape designers of the modern movement. With six years of unparalleled experience there, Jeremy elevated his sense of design aesthetics, sharpened his instincts for space planning, and developed a greater appreciation for drought tolerant planting design.
Our company specializes in effective space planning, low maintenance gardens, sustainable landscapes, the use of drought tolerant planting, and eco-friendly designs. Our various abilities, depth of knowledge, and originality, allow us to be flexible and transform the client’s garden into an astounding livable space. Jeremy’s aspiration of starting a landscape architectural firm came to fruition in 2005; he finds that this realization makes the projects more gratifying and that it rekindles his love for the profession.
In this past year, Jeremy was named as a new team member to consult for Jamie Durie Design ( In addition, Jeremy Taylor Landscapes was just listed as one of’s “Best of 2016”, and selected as one of one of only four Landscape Architects to be included as part of Santa Monica’s previous Sustainable Landscape Architecture Professionals Program that ended in 2015.