Description of Work: Airflo is the absolute worst repair company, and they happen to be one of only 2 local Viking repair centers. BTW, don't buy Viking! Most Viking products are made by Marvelle (or someone else) and if you must buy Marvelle, it'll be at 30% less cost than Viking. But why buy Viking at all as It constantly breaks down. We bought a bunch of Viking outdoor Appliances in 2010 for our $150,000 outdoor Pizza oven/Kitchen/Entertainment area project: refrig, over under beverage center, 2x warmers, Ice maker, BBQ. They started breaking down immediately and to this date we have spent $2500+ on repairing each and every one of them spread out over many, MANY visits with Airflo. It’s always the same Russian guy, God what a lifeless putz. No personality, no compassion, no sense of humor! He’s actually quite funny, he just doesn't know it. He comes Dec 23rd, 2012 to fix the Refrigerator: " Sir, sir, I tell you, it is deh control board (which is connected to the temperature sensor) , and cost is $800" 3 weeks later...same one fails again, Dead fish Russian comes and says " is the Temp sensor" (yep, the one that is connected to the control board that he replaced 3 weeks earlier!) I come unglued! "Look dude, you replaced the control board 3 weeks ago for $800 but what REALLY was bad was the Temp sensor..why didn't you replace that TOO?" Bright-eyes says " I only fix problem, don't look at anything else, that;ll be $700 to replace sensor" I say "F-you, get OFF my property" He says " You owe me $100 for service call" I physically remove him.