[member name removed] (as your name was when I serviced your pool), I was just recently told that I was listed on Angies list. One with your negative comment, as well as another positive comment with all A's. I am not responding to this post to argue, call you out on, or in any way embarrass you, but I do feel the need to clarify a few things since a fellow Angie's list member asked why I had a D on your post. First, I am sorry if you were not happy with my services. I never new of your unhappiness, especially since I serviced your pool since 2005. Had I known, I would have made them right had you communicated your concerns, or unhappiness with me. Having my customers happy with my services, as well as communicating with them is very important to me. Not only to keep a good business relationship, but to keep my business, myself, and my services I provide top notch, and to have a good reputation. I serviced your pool since 2005, and after you leaving this post in 2011 after services were changed, I have to say I was a little shocked because never once during the time I serviced your pool, had you mentioned to me you were not happy with my services. The only thing you told me that I recall was that you were changing pool service companies because you wanted someone to do full cleaning service (which at the time we did not have room for that on my route, and now we do). So when you say in your post, "they come in and dump chemicals", makes it seem that you were supposed to get more, when chemical only service is what you had hired me in 2005 to do, "Chemical only" service, and that is what you received. You were responsible for cleaning, brushing, emptying skimmers, sweep, etc. Also, we do test the water so we know how much chemicals to add. Chemical only service is an in and out service as it does not take allot of time to do. We check and add chemicals, and our work is done. We do try and check equipment, and making sure the pool sweep etc, is working. On several occasions, I recall emptying your motor pump basket, sweep and skimmer basket, and that was not part of the package you were paying for. I did that to help, and or if I knew you were out of town. As your description of work we are supposed to come out every week to do pool service. When a customer hires us for chemical only service, the details of that service (or for what other service we offer) are described to the customer as to what we do and how often we come out. With you choosing our chemical only service package meant that during the summer schedule service is every week, and winter schedule is twice a month (which is typical with chemical only service from other companies). That is the service you received, and I was there every time I was supposed to be on Tuesday mornings, and pretty close to the same time, unless there was a problem at a previous customers pool. As to your comment "they are not very prompt", again, I was surprised at this. Unless we are on vacation, we are pretty prompt. Not only on service days as mentioned, but returning phone calls, etc. All my customers are given my cell phone to get a hold of me pretty much 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for questions, concerns, or problems. When left a message on my cell phone, I try to call back right away or at least with in a 24 hour time frame. If you emailed me a question, the same applies, I try and respond as soon as possible. Unless on vacation or your email went to spam. I dont recall a time with you that I took a week to respond. Not saying it did not happen, but the only time that would happen, is as mentioned above, or if I had to do some research to a question you had about a product, or was looking into something for you that I did not know the answer to. But I would have advised you that I would check into it and get back to you. My apologies if there was a delay. Again, this is the first I have heard of this happening to you. In response to making checks payable to me. Making the check payable to me or the business is the same thing. Most of the time the personal name is DBA (doing business as) the company name. As it is with me, and the payments all go to the same place. However, I will explain as to why my invoices say make checks payable to my personal name. First, its a programmed template I have on the invoices to say that. My main reason I do this, is because I have ordered products, or expensive equipment, etc. for a customer and they made the check payable to my company name. Because of that I have to send it through my bank, which as you know then collects from the customers bank. And when the check comes back insufficient funds, and I have already purchased and installed the equipment, not only have I not gotten paid, possibly lost money, and product, but have to pay bank charges because of that. This has happened several times. So when a check is made payable to me personally, I can go to the customers bank when needed, and make sure the funds are there, and get paid for what I do and not loose money or pay fees. Many times this has saved me the headache of dealing with bounced checks, collections, and having to try and get my product back. Unfortunately there is a few dishonest people around. Had you had concerns about this and asked, me I would have explained it to you back then as well as any other questions or concerns you had when I was servicing your pool. Lastly (to everyone else reading this), I would like to say this. While forums, and lists like this can help people, which I think can be a great tool, there are sometimes two sides to the story (as explained). But the first step of having a great relationship with your service person you hire, is communication and discussing your problem, or concern with whomever you, the customer hire. So many times, I have had customers call me and tell me they are un happy with their pool guy. I try and ask them if they discussed this with their pool guy. A lot of the times, the answer is "no" they have not. This doesn't go just with pool guys, this is with everyone you pay for services. If the service person does not know there is a problem how are they supposed to fix it, and make sure the customer is happy. A great example of this is my own story with my "X" customer above. Remember, you are the customer, and are paying for a service. You should get what you pay for, and be able to have an open, honest and a good business relationship with your service professional. Not every service person is good, and not every service person is bad. And the old saying of "you get what you pay for", is so true. Also, customer service is so lacking in many professions. Drives me really bonkers. My motto of "Where customer service still exists", is what I try to fulfill for my customers. Honesty, integrity, professionalism, respect, and communication goes along way when you have a good relationship with your service person. All of these is what I try to uphold. So if you are ever unsure, have questions, or concerns, please ask questions to get your answer and what you are paying for. I hope this helps everyone just a little, and that you have good luck with whomever you hire. Also, I say all of this with respect to everyone reading this. Thank you everyone for reading this post. Ms. Nichols, should you wish to talk more about this, please email me or call me at 209-951-7926. I would be more than happy to take care of any past concerns you may have as well as offer you some free service for any miscommunication on my part to make things right. Thank you and have a good day.