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It’s been my pleasure helping people in Santa Cruz County with real estate for the past 24 years. Real estate here is diverse as well as spread out- from the sandy beaches to the redwood forests and all the ‘nooks and crannies’ in between. Having sold real estate for over 2 decades, I’ve become familiar with all of these areas and know I can help you find or sell your special home.
Once in escrow, my goal is to help clients understand each phase of their transaction so they’re confident they’ve made a sound, intelligent decision when their purchase or sale is complete. My intention is to develop long-term relationships with my clients so they feel they can always count on me for all their real estate needs as well as referring me to their friends and family.
I’ve also enjoyed sharing what I’ve learned from my years in real estate-
* Speaking to investment groups
* Authored ‘The Power of Analysis-continuing education course taught in escrow companies
* Developed investment software-‘Star Analyzer Plus’ comprehensive, user-friendly program to analyze real estate investments.
I would welcome the opportunity to use my extensive experience and resources to help you accomplish the realization of your real estate goals.