I don’t even know where to begin with my response to this review since it is completely inaccurate. Let’s just say that there are two sides to every story, and I will simply give my side of the story. COMPLAINT #1 “I started in January and he came out a couple of times. I went down to see him and he came out and took careful measurements. He told me that it would take at least a month to get it done. A month and a half later, he called and said he needed to take measurements again.” I did go out in January to take preliminary measurements so that I could design the project, and I did say that it would take “at least” a month to build the cabinet once the contract had been signed and the deposit had been received. The contract was signed at the end of February, and the deposit was received on 3/4/13. We do not start working on a project until the deposit is received for obvious reasons. Once the deposit was received, I went out to take final measurements. When I take the final measurements, they are much more accurate and detailed than when I take preliminary measurements. Preliminary measurements are used to bid the job whereas final measurements are used to build the job. This was clearly discussed with the client. COMPLAINT #2 ”Then a month later, he delivered the cabinet, by then I had given him a drawer to match the color too. The cabinet was stark white, so I would not even let them take it off of the truck.” The cabinet was delivered a month after the deposit was made and the final measurements were taken, which is exactly what the client was told – “At least” a month. When the contract was signed, the client signed off on a specific color (White Wash On Oak), and her cabinet was painted the exact same color as the color she signed off on. When we delivered the cabinet, she changed her mind and decided that the cabinet was too white. She gave us a drawer from another cabinet in her house when we delivered the cabinet and said that she wanted the new cabinet to match the drawer. It sure would have been nice to know that before we delivered the cabinet. Prior to our delivering the cabinet, she said nothing about matching the color to an existing drawer. However, in the interest of customer relations, we let her change her mind even though she signed off on the color that she received. We took the cabinet back to the shop, sanded it, and re-painted it to match the drawer. COMPLAINT #3 He took it back with the drawer to match the cabinet, he brought it back and it did not fit. First of all, it should be noted that the cabinet in question is a freestanding corner cabinet designed for a specific television set. The cabinet was designed so that there was some space between the cabinet and the walls on either side of the cabinet. When she says that, “it did not fit,” what she means is that when the cabinet was pushed into place, the drapes that hung behind the cabinet “barely” touched the back of one corner of the cabinet. When we designed the cabinet, she told us how deep she wanted the cabinet and how much space she wanted between the cabinet and the wall. We built the cabinet to the exact specifications in the contract. COMPLAINT #4 He brought it back again and I noticed that he had not finished the outside of the drawers. This is simply not true, and I have no idea as to what she is referring to. Because this client was so difficult, I personally supervised the installation of the cabinet and verified that she was happy with everything. When I left, she was completely happy with everything. Unfortunately, I did not realize that she had not yet purchased the television for which the cabinet was designed (See below). COMPLAINT #5 Some of the door handles had been put on upside down. First of all, we NEVER install door handles or drawer pulls at the shop. Handles are always installed on-site per the clients’ specific directions. The reason for this is that many clients have their own preferences as to how they would like their handles installed. Not to mention the fact that handles / pulls are not included in the contract. Because this client was so difficult, we sent two of our best installers to install the cabinet. I have no idea why the client is complaining that the handles were installed upside down since she personally supervised the installation of the handles, and she instructed the installers as to how she wanted them installed. Not to mention the fact that I was there as well supervising the installation. COMPLAINT #6 “The last time he brought it back, it did not fit and it interfered with the mantelpiece. He took it back and raised it up, I was getting ready to pay him and I noticed that he had not finished the edges of the doors.” Keep in mind that this was a corner cabinet (~4’ wide x 18” deep), and it was designed exactly to the client’s specifications. When we delivered and installed the cabinet, she decided that she wanted the cabinet to be higher. There was absolutely no issue with the mantelpiece. Once again, we decided to let her have her way, even though she had signed off on the designs. We took the cabinet back to the shop, built her a brand new cabinet, finished the new cabinet to match her drawer and brought it back to her house. COMPLAINT #7 “I have it but, it still is not finished. I would not recommend him to anybody. It took him four months to finish it. It was finally delivered the first of May.” The cabinet is completely finished, however, the client is upset because the television for which the cabinet was built was no longer available. The client gave us the model number of her television (Sony Bravia) & specs (42”wide x 27.5” high x 5.5” deep), and we built the cabinet so that specific television would fit perfectly per her request. We had no idea that she had not actually purchased the television. When she went to purchase the television, it was no longer available, and she had to purchase another television, which did not fit perfectly. The cabinet that we were contracted to build is 100% complete, so I have no idea why she is claiming that, “it still is not finished.” That is just not true. She also claimed that I told her not to purchase the television until the cabinet was complete, which was also completely not true. Her claim that it took four months to finish the cabinet is also not true. The client signed the contract at the end of February, and paid her deposit on 3/4/13. By her own account, she stated that, “Then a month later he delivered the cabinet.” Any delays after that point were a result of her constantly changing her mind. Even with all of her changes, the cabinets were finally installed on May 1 (Less than 2 months from when the deposit was made). This was after we had to take the cabinet back to the shop to sand & re-paint it because she changed her mind about the color. This was also after we had to rebuild the cabinet because she changed her mind about the height. RECAP At the end of the day, this job was $2,191.60 and she short-paid us by $750.00 since we did not want to rebuild the cabinet for a second time because her new television did not fit. We had already repainted the cabinet because the client changed her mind. We completely rebuilt the cabinet because the client changed her mind and wanted it higher. Now she wanted us to rebuild the cabinet because she hadn’t purchased the television for which the cabinet was built. It was clear to us that this particular client would never be happy, and we decided that we had already gone above and beyond and that enough was enough. The bottom line is that this client received exactly what she paid for. Any delays were as a result of her constantly changing her mind even though we had a signed contract. We tried our best with this client. I can honestly say that in the 11 years that I have owned Woodenbridge, I have never dealt with a more difficult client. It was also clear to us that no matter what we did, the client had no intention of paying us what was owed. I tried my best. Unfortunately, that wasn't good enough.