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Kimberly Reyes Interiors

Interior Design and Decorating, Home Staging, Holiday Decorating

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Residential interior design & holiday decorating.


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Diane V.
interior designers
  + -1 more
The construction company, with which I had regrettably contracted, took many months to finish the job. I had kept in touch with Ms. Reyes through emails. We intended to honor our contract. She assured me she would be ready to go whenever the time was right, as we had never established an official time line of any kind. I emailed her (3xs) in March of 2013 to move forward, at her convenience. No response. April 24, 2013, figuring she grew weary of waiting and the fact that I had heard nothing from her all this time, I emailed her a suggestion:, Deduct your initial consultation fee; please refund me the rest of our money. Thank you? Suddenly she had plenty to say: April 24, 2013 she promptly responded: ?I have not been working my business as I have been spending time with my girlfriend that is going through breast cancer. My daughter has now come up with a health issue that needs attending. Your project was to be tackled during a certain timeline and I made myself available to you. My business and schedule are planned in block for projects. To date - I have spent well over the number of hours agreed upon taking care of the contractors, all of the correspondence and trying to connect with your sister. You actually owe me money at this point. As I have told you verbally... All of the correspondence by email and phone adds up. I have it all logged and have still been willing to do things for you. I bent over backwards to be accommodating and you would not have pursued and won the issue with the contractor without my support and guidance. I do not deserve this message or the negative correspondence. This time period was not allocated for you or your project. This time was set aside for my friend. When we spoke on the phone I told you that I would not be available during this time period. You said, that you understood. You may cancel the contract at any point. That is my right as well. However, you must know that you have actually used your hours a long time ago. The contract also states that the deposit is non-refundable. I have been kind and helpful. I am sorry that you are unhappy that I did not jump when you demanded. I was very clear about my availability. How could she have spent the remainder of the monies on our project when we never discussed it? There is no truth to her accusations as she never communicated with us about anything, much less her personal business. I had been the one emailing; contacting her, not the other way around. April 28th, 2013, I responded: We have little knowledge of what it is our $1650 bought. Provide us our itemized, monthly billing statements detailing expenses concerning our kitchen remodel. April 28, 2013- she continued to rant ?I would be happy to. I will also let you know that I will be billing you for any additional time spent on correspondence or anything else. I have been very understanding and kind. I was extremely helpful and open with you. I don't appreciate the last hostile correspondences. I have been doing this for two weeks short of a year and was still willing to give you more. I was VERY clear that I would not be available during this time period. However, you are insisting on having this resolved immediately. All of this was thoroughly explained to you. I realize that it has been a year. So please take into consideration that my rates are $150 per hour. I bill on the quarter hour for all services: emails, phone calls, shopping, travel time, dealing with any and all issues and home visits are billed on 2 hour minimums.... I made two visits to your home at 7 hours. That alone is $950.00. Five hours of actual in your home time and 2 hours of travel time. I only charged you for a half hour each way. I have been more than fair at every stage. There were 55 emails to and from you. I emailed your sister, upon your request 6 times. 61 X $37.50= $2,287.50 I made six phone calls to your contractors. Emailed them 8 times and helped you with correspondence both with your contractors and wording with your attorney. I spoke to and was contacted by the State Contractor's Board. $600.00 This is not counting the numerous phones calls to and from you or to your sister. (These logs are in my office. I guarantee that the hours are more than the emails.) Initially I did product research and resource options in your area. (These logs are in my office- I can tell you with vendor visits, internet research and contacting merchants that there is way over 25 hours just off of the top of my head) minimum $3,750.00 I am not in my office. But, I would be happy to break this down in a more detailed way when I return. I will be charging you from now on. As you can see from above... the project hours have far exceeded the entire project scope. I am sorry that you do not realize or remember the time invested, how helpful and encouraging I have been. However, we are far past the scope of this initial contract. Funny thing is that even though I had done so much, I was still willing to help you and your sister. It has been a year. I know that you have been through a lot. I am not going to take this personally. However, I do not deserve this. Let me know if you would like to pay me to create something more detailed. Our contract does state that it is a non-refundable deposit and that either of us can end the contract if we choose to. It is at this point that I would normally renegotiate with a client. I do not see how that is at all possible. I am actually in the right to be able to collect for the rest of the time that I have invested above and beyond the initial deposit. However, I had not intention of doing that. I was just trying to help you because of your situation. I wish you the best and I wish you well. I do hope that you find someone as protective of you as I was AND someone of quality that will not take advantage of you like your previous contractor. How could she even begin to know what we wanted in our kitchen? There were never any phone calls let alone drawings or floor plans from her nor did we meet for even a second time to discuss shelving, tile, flooring, cabinets, etc. There was never any communication between us concerning any of this. We do not know about which clients or whose remodel to which she refers, but it is certainly not us or ours. April 30, 2013 I responded: We have little knowledge of what it is our $1650 bought. At the risk of sounding not only redundant, but "hostile" as well, provide us our itemized, monthly billing statements detailing expenses concerning our kitchen remodel. Thank you April 30, 2013 she continued to berate me: ?This is an official document that I am providing you with written notice that I am ending our contract. I will forward the email correspondence part within 48 hours. That alone is more than $1,650. I am out of state as you have been told numerous times. I was not there just to keep you company on the phone and for entertainment purposes. I bill hourly like everyone else. You chose to use your time the way you did. I over estimated you.... It might just be that you had that ordeal with the contractor's company due to Karma. I truly believe in Karma....?. I overestimated her although I gave her one star for the glimmer of hope she falsely represented to me She never sent us any billing statements, invoices, or any accounting of her expenses or time, etc. planning our kitchen remodel. She never presented us with any proof to validate her claim.
Description of Work: Stay away from Kimberly Reyes Interior Design or she may do this very same thing to you. I called her to schedule a meeting at my house to negotiate a kitchen remodel. She arrived, I explained, she agreed to wait until my bathroom remodel was complete; on May 25th, 2012, I paid her $1650.00 (a retainer fee) to reserve her services. She promptly cashed the check on May 30th, 2012. I never saw her again.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Diane V.
home staging
  + -1 more
Stay away from Kimberly Reyes Interior Design or she may do this very same thing to you. I called her to schedule a meeting at my house to negotiate a kitchen remodel. She arrived, I explained the situation, she agreed to wait until my bathroom remodel moved forward, and on May 25th, 2012, I paid her $1650.00 by writing her a check (a retainer fee) to reserve her services. She promptly cashed it on May 30th, 2012. I never saw her again. Due to circumstances beyond my control, the construction company, with which I had regrettably contracted, took many months to finish the job. All the while, I had kept in touch with Ms. Reyes through emails, keeping her abreast of the situation because I had every intention of honoring our contract. She assured me that she would be ready to go whenever the time was right, as we had never established an official time line of any kind. Sure enough, the time finally arrived when I was free of the bathroom remodel and I could now concentrate on the kitchen. I emailed her (3xs) in March of 2013 to move forward with the kitchen project, at her convenience since so much time had passed, but she did not respond. On April 24, 2013, assuming that she had grown weary of waiting and the fact that I had heard nothing from her all this time, I emailed her a suggestion:, ?If you have tired of the idea of working with me, deduct your initial consultation fee and please refund me the rest of my money. Thank you? Suddenly she had plenty to say: On April 24, 2013 she promptly responded: ?I have not been working my business as I have been spending time with my girlfriend that is going through breast cancer. My daughter has now come up with a health issue that needs attending. Your project was to be tackled during a certain timeline and I made myself available to you. My business and schedule are planned in block for projects. To date - I have spent well over the number of hours agreed upon taking care of the contractors, all of the correspondence and trying to connect with your sister. You actually owe me money at this point. As I have told you verbally... All of the correspondence by email and phone adds up. I have it all logged and have still been willing to do things for you. I bent over backwards to be accommodating and you would not have pursued and won the issue with the contractor without my support and guidance. I do not deserve this message or the negative correspondence. This time period was not allocated for you or your project. This time was set aside for my friend. When we spoke on the phone I told you that I would not be available during this time period. You said, that you understood. You may cancel the contract at any point. That is my right as well. However, you must know that you have actually used your hours a long time ago. The contract also states that the deposit is non-refundable. I have been kind and helpful. I am sorry that you are unhappy that I did not jump when you demanded. I was very clear about my availability. I wish you the best, Kimberly Reyes? How could she have spent the remainder of the monies on my project when we have not even discussed it? There is no truth to her claims as she never communicated with me about anything, much less her personal business. All this time, I had been the one emailing and contacting her, not the other way around. Had I not, I never would have heard from her. On April 28th, 2013, I responded: Kimberly, At this time, we have little knowledge of what it is our $1650 bought. Provide us our itemized, monthly billing statements detailing expenses concerning our kitchen remodel. Thank you On April 28, 2013- she continued to rant ?I would be happy to. I will also let you know that I will be billing you for any additional time spent on correspondence or anything else. I have been very understanding and kind. I was extremely helpful and open with you. I don't appreciate the last hostile correspondences. I have been doing this for two weeks short of a year and was still willing to give you more. I was VERY clear that I would not be available during this time period. However, you are insisting on having this resolved immediately. All of this was thoroughly explained to you. I realize that it has been a year. So please take into consideration that my rates are $150 per hour. I bill on the quarter hour for all services: emails, phone calls, shopping, travel time, dealing with any and all issues and home visits are billed on 2 hour minimums.... I made two visits to your home at 7 hours. That alone is $950.00. Five hours of actual in your home time and 2 hours of travel time. I only charged you for a half hour each way. I have been more than fair at every stage. There were 55 emails to and from you. I emailed your sister, upon your request 6 times. 61 X $37.50= $2,287.50 I made six phone calls to your contractors. Emailed them 8 times and helped you with correspondence both with your contractors and wording with your attorney. I spoke to and was contacted by the State Contractor's Board. $600.00 This is not counting the numerous phones calls to and from you or to your sister. (These logs are in my office. I guarantee that the hours are more than the emails.) Initially I did product research and resource options in your area. (These logs are in my office- I can tell you with vendor visits, internet research and contacting merchants that there is way over 25 hours just off of the top of my head) minimum $3,750.00 I am not in my office. But, I would be happy to break this down in a more detailed way when I return. I will be charging you from now on. As you can see from above... the project hours have far exceeded the entire project scope. I am sorry that you do not realize or remember the time invested, how helpful and encouraging I have been. However, we are far past the scope of this initial contract. Funny thing is that even though I had done so much, I was still willing to help you and your sister. It has been a year. I know that you have been through a lot. I am not going to take this personally. However, I do not deserve this. Let me know if you would like to pay me to create something more detailed. Our contract does state that it is a non-refundable deposit and that either of us can end the contract if we choose to. It is at this point that I would normally renegotiate with a client. I do not see how that is at all possible. I am actually in the right to be able to collect for the rest of the time that I have invested above and beyond the initial deposit. However, I had not intention of doing that. I was just trying to help you because of your situation. I wish you the best and I wish you well. I do hope that you find someone as protective of you as I was AND someone of quality that will not take advantage of you like your previous contractor. Kimberly Reyes? How could she even begin to know what I wanted in my kitchen? There were never any phone calls let alone drawings or floor plans from her nor did we meet for even a second time to discuss shelving, tile, wood, flooring, cabinets, colors, or counter tops. There was never any communication between us concerning any of this. I do not know about which client or whose remodel to which she refers, but it is certainly not me or mine. She has sent me nothing to think otherwise. On April 30, 2013 I responded: Kimberly, At this time, we have little knowledge of what it is our $1650 bought. At the risk of sounding not only redundant, but "hostile" as well, provide us our itemized, monthly billing statements detailing expenses concerning our kitchen remodel. Thank you She continued to berate me in yet another email. April 30, 2013 she responded: ?This is an official document that I am providing you with written notice that I am ending our contract. I will forward the email correspondence part within 48 hours. That alone is more than $1,650. I am out of state as you have been told numerous times. I was not there just to keep you company on the phone and for entertainment purposes. I bill hourly like everyone else. You chose to use your time the way you did. I over estimated you.... It might just be that you had that ordeal with the contractor's company due to Karma. I truly believe in Karma....?. sincerely, Kimberly Reyes I overestimated her although I gave her one star for the glimmer of hope she represented to me. She never answered any of my requests. She never sent me any billing statements, invoices, or any accounting of her expenses or time talking to any vendors, etc. planning my kitchen remodel. If she truly understood the meaning of Karma, she never would have done what she did to me. To this date, Oct. 19, 2013, Ms. Reyes has not presented me with one ounce of proof to validate her claim.Her actions were another slap in the face after my ordeal with Liberty Construction. Ms. Reyes is a disappointment and she has marred the credibility of her profession.
Description of Work: We met for one consultation. Ms. Reyes cashed my check five days later.. I never saw her again.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Diane V.
interior designers
  + -1 more
Stay away from Kimberly Reyes Interior Design or she may do this very same thing to you. I called her to schedule a meeting at my house to negotiate a kitchen remodel. She arrived, I explained the situation, she agreed to wait until my bathroom remodel was complete.On May 25th, 2012, I paid her $1650.00 by writing her a check (a retainer fee) to reserve her services. She promptly cashed it on May 30th, 2012. I never saw her again. Due to circumstances beyond my control, the construction company, with which I had regrettably contracted, took many months to finish the job. All the while, I had kept in touch with Ms. Reyes through emails, keeping her abreast of the situation because I had every intention of honoring our contract. She seemed fine with it, assuring me that she would be ready to go whenever the time was right, as we had never established an official time line of any kind. Sure enough, the time finally arrived when I was free of the bathroom remodel and I could now concentrate on the kitchen remodel. I emailed her (3xs) in March of 2013 to move forward with the kitchen project, at her convenience since so much time had passed, but she did not respond. On April 24, 2013, assuming that she had grown weary of waiting and the fact that I had heard nothing from her all this time, I emailed her a suggestion:, ?If you have tired of the idea of working with me, deduct your initial consultation fee and please refund me the rest of my money. Thank you? Suddenly she had plenty to say: On April 24, 2013 she promptly responded: ?I have not been working my business as I have been spending time with my girlfriend that is going through breast cancer. My daughter has now come up with a health issue that needs attending. Your project was to be tackled during a certain timeline and I made myself available to you. My business and schedule are planned in block for projects. To date - I have spent well over the number of hours agreed upon taking care of the contractors, all of the correspondence and trying to connect with your sister. You actually owe me money at this point. As I have told you verbally... All of the correspondence by email and phone adds up. I have it all logged and have still been willing to do things for you. I bent over backwards to be accommodating and you would not have pursued and won the issue with the contractor without my support and guidance. I do not deserve this message or the negative correspondence. This time period was not allocated for you or your project. This time was set aside for my friend. When we spoke on the phone I told you that I would not be available during this time period. You said, that you understood. You may cancel the contract at any point. That is my right as well. However, you must know that you have actually used your hours a long time ago. The contract also states that the deposit is non-refundable. I have been kind and helpful. I am sorry that you are unhappy that I did not jump when you demanded. I was very clear about my availability. I wish you the best, Kimberly Reyes? How could she have spent the remainder of the monies on my project when we have not even discussed it? There is no proof of her allegations as she never communicated with me about anything, much less her personal business. All this time, I had been the one emailing and phoning her (left message) not the other way around. Had I not, I never would have heard from her. On April 28th, 2013, I responded: Kimberly, At this time, we have little knowledge of what it is our $1650 bought. Provide us our itemized, monthly billing statements detailing expenses concerning our kitchen remodel. Thank you Instead, on April 28, 2013- she continued to rant ?I would be happy to. I will also let you know that I will be billing you for any additional time spent on correspondence or anything else. I have been very understanding and kind. I was extremely helpful and open with you. I don't appreciate the last hostile correspondences. I have been doing this for two weeks short of a year and was still willing to give you more. I was VERY clear that I would not be available during this time period. However, you are insisting on having this resolved immediately. All of this was thoroughly explained to you. I realize that it has been a year. So please take into consideration that my rates are $150 per hour. I bill on the quarter hour for all services: emails, phone calls, shopping, travel time, dealing with any and all issues and home visits are billed on 2 hour minimums.... I made two visits to your home at 7 hours. That alone is $950.00. Five hours of actual in your home time and 2 hours of travel time. I only charged you for a half hour each way. I have been more than fair at every stage. There were 55 emails to and from you. I emailed your sister, upon your request 6 times. 61 X $37.50= $2,287.50 I made six phone calls to your contractors. Emailed them 8 times and helped you with correspondence both with your contractors and wording with your attorney. I spoke to and was contacted by the State Contractor's Board. $600.00 This is not counting the numerous phones calls to and from you or to your sister. (These logs are in my office. I guarantee that the hours are more than the emails.) Initially I did product research and resource options in your area. (These logs are in my office- I can tell you with vendor visits, internet research and contacting merchants that there is way over 25 hours just off of the top of my head) minimum $3,750.00 I am not in my office. But, I would be happy to break this down in a more detailed way when I return. I will be charging you from now on. As you can see from above... the project hours have far exceeded the entire project scope. I am sorry that you do not realize or remember the time invested, how helpful and encouraging I have been. However, we are far past the scope of this initial contract. Funny thing is that even though I had done so much, I was still willing to help you and your sister. It has been a year. I know that you have been through a lot. I am not going to take this personally. However, I do not deserve this. Let me know if you would like to pay me to create something more detailed. Our contract does state that it is a non-refundable deposit and that either of us can end the contract if we choose to. It is at this point that I would normally renegotiate with a client. I do not see how that is at all possible. I am actually in the right to be able to collect for the rest of the time that I have invested above and beyond the initial deposit. However, I had not intention of doing that. I was just trying to help you because of your situation. I wish you the best and I wish you well. I do hope that you find someone as protective of you as I was AND someone of quality that will not take advantage of you like your previous contractor. Kimberly Reyes? How could she even begin to know what I wanted in my kitchen? There were never any drawings or floor plans from her nor did we meet for even a second time to discuss shelving, tile, wood, flooring, cabinets, colors, or counter tops. There was never any communication between us concerning any of this. I do not know about which client or whose remodel to which she refers, but it is certainly not me or mine. She has sent me nothing to think otherwise. Have I missed something? If she would have done the following????? On April 30, 2013 I responded: Kimberly, At this time, we have little knowledge of what it is our $1650 bought. At the risk of sounding not only redundant, but as you say, "hostile" as well, provide us our itemized, monthly billing statements detailing expenses concerning our kitchen remodel. Thank you Instead, she continued to berate me in yet another email. April 30, 2013 she responded: ?This is an official document that I am providing you with written notice that I am ending our contract. I will forward the email correspondence part within 48 hours. That alone is more than $1,650. I am out of state as you have been told numerous times. I was not there just to keep you company on the phone and for entertainment purposes. I bill hourly like everyone else. You chose to use your time the way you did. I over estimated you.... It might just be that you had that ordeal with the contractor's company due to Karma. I truly believe in Karma....?. sincerely, Kimberly Reyes And I overestimated her although I gave her one star for the glimmer of hope she represented to me. She never answered any of my requests. She never sent me any billing statements, invoices, or any accounting of her expenses or time talking to vendors, etc. planning my kitchen remodel. If she truly understood the meaning of Karma, she never would have done what she did to me. To this date, Sept. 19, 2013, Ms. Reyes has not presented me with one ounce of proof to validate her claim that my balance is not only zero, but in the red??her actions were another slap in the face after the ordeal with Liberty Construction. At the very least, I deserve an explanation. Ms. Reyes is a disappointment. As far as I'm concerned, she has marred the credibility of her profession.
Description of Work: I signed with Ms. Reyes in May of 2012, paying her a retainer fee of $1650. At that same time, I was experiencing a contractor/remodel nightmare of which she was well aware. Her part of my remodel was to be the kitchen consultant when I was done dealing with Liberty Construction, who was handling the bathroom remodel. Liberty was found to be fraudulent and legal battles ensued for almost a year. Established between Ms. Reyes and myself, however, was the agreement to wait until I was ready and able to cope with additional work in the house. Naturally, I updated Ms. Reyes, by email, with how things were progressing. When I was ready to move forward with our contract, I emailed Ms. Reyes to ask when it might be convenient to begin work. To my dismay, she emailed me a nasty response and told me that I had already spent the retainer fee and then some and that I owed her even more money for “all the work” she had done for me. When I emailed her requesting billing statements, invoices, and receipts of her time spent concerning my kitchen remodel, she emailed me a cancelation statement assuring me that she would forward aforementioned documentation proving her allegations. She has sent nothing…………… She has been to my house only once, the day of signing, and she never phoned or contacted me to discuss anything about my kitchen. We never met again to choose materials and she knows little to nothing about my wants, let alone my needs, concerning accessibility.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    2422 27th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94116

    Service hours

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


    State Contractor License Requirements

    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

    *Contact business to see additional licenses.

    Service Categories

    Interior Design and Decorating,
    Home Staging,
    Holiday Decorating


    Kimberly Reyes Interiors is currently rated 1 overall out of 5.

    Monday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

    Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

    Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

    Thursday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

    Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

    No, Kimberly Reyes Interiors does not offer free project estimates.
    No, Kimberly Reyes Interiors does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Kimberly Reyes Interiors does not offer a senior discount.
    No, Kimberly Reyes Interiors does not offer emergency services.
    No, Kimberly Reyes Interiors does not offer warranties.
    Kimberly Reyes Interiors offers the following services: Residential interior design & holiday decorating.

    Contact information

    2422 27th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94116

    Service hours

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM