For those who enjoy a good story, this probably won't be one but I will tell it so all future service providers are aware of who they may be dealing with. [Member Name Removed] called to request changing out a vanity with faucet along with some flooring modifications due to a different vanity size and some light fixtures installation. She seemed reasonable at the time so we scheduled the work as she requested. She indicated she would be responsible for all materials and was going to have us pick-up the vanity after she purchased it at Dixieline. On the day we arrived to do the install she let us know the vanity was on order and couldn't be picked up but she would still like the old one removed now. Our technician suggested it might be better to wait until the new vanity arrived however she was insistent that she wanted it out now. She questioned whether that would be OK, the vanity removed for a few weeks, and we said it shouldn't be a problem though since she only had one Bathroom it could be an inconvenience for brushing her teeth and such and she said she would just use the Kitchen sink. The technician removed the vanity, sink and faucet, installed the lights and mentioned the flexible cords would straighten out in time and if we needed we could adjust them when the new vanity was installed (We discounted the labor charged 30 minutes to facilitate the evening out of the lights at a later date). She indicated she was happy with the service and signed our Time Sheet for the hours worked. Four days later she sent an email saying the existing faucet connection pipes had started to drip. I asked her to insure the valve handles were closed all the way and she responded that she had no knowledge of such things and that I should send the technician back immediately to deal with the situation. I asked if she could place a container under the pipes and she said she already had and water was accumulating at the rate of a drip every few minutes. She said she would have to change the container (empty it) every few days. I agreed I would schedule someone to come back and take care of it. Since it was not deemed an "Emergency" we scheduled per our normal work availability. She continued to email directly to the technician and got quite belligerent (see attached emails) and accusatory regarding his expertise. Since this became quite confrontational I had to find another technician to service the call which took additional time to schedule. When I explained that she would have to pay for the return call she became even more indignant saying she shouldn't have to pay anything further since it was the original technician who should have taken care of the problem by replacing the suspect valves. I said even if he would have there would have been additional time necessary to do the change out so she would have had to pay then as well. I indicated there would be no additional charge over the time required to replace the valves (we normally have a 2 hour minimum per visit requirement). Once the second technician replaced the original valves and told her they were corroded and had a history of failures similar to what she had experienced she again commented that she got incorrect information from the original technician saying the valves would be OK for the weeks before the new vanity was installed. I reminded her that at the time of his departure there was no leaking and she didn't contact us until 4 days after he had left. She didn't think that was relevant. It should be noted that the work we performed was satisfactorily approved by her at the time of both technicians departing the job site. E-mail contacts received from [Member Name Removed] Work performed on 5/5/16 and 5/13/16 5/9/16 9:20AM Hi Rob, There is a problem with the work. It involves plumbing and the removal of the existing vanity. I asked Erik whether I should purchase the vanity and wait for it to arrive to the store (which takes 3 to 4 weeks) before removing the existing vanity. He said we did not need to wait to remove the existing vanity. I expressed concern about leaving the plumbing ....I asked whether the plumbing would have to be sealed off if the existing vanity was removed and the plumbing was left for 3 to 4 weeks. He said it would be fine and that he would simply turn off the handles. However, now that the vanity has been removed, there is a leak. Can you call me at (phone number) when you get a chance? Thanks, ~[Member Name Removed] 5/9/16 10:39AM Good morning, Erik, There is a serious problem with the plumbing. Before you removed the vanity, I asked you whether it was okay to leave the plumbing for weeks before the new vanity arrived. The waiting period was an issue because the new vanity must be ordered from Dixieline...and it takes a few weeks for it to be delivered to the Dixieline store. You said it would be fine. But I noticed water on the new tile that you put in. This was just before the weekend. I had to apply more grout to the space in between two tiles because the water had eroded it. Then I realized that there is a leak from ones of the faucets. The leak produces a lot of water. I have been collecting the water in a container. We need to resolve this problem as soon as possible. Please call me at phone number when you get a chance today. Thanks, ~[Member Name Removed] 5/9/16 8:16PM The leak drips at the rate of about a drip every minute or so. The tiling job is now compromised, if not damaged. I am really disappointed. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/9/16 8:17PM Please tell me your phone number. I am very upset about the leak. 5/9/16 8:22PM There is no need for a 24-hour notice to have the water shut off. There is a shut-off to my condo and that is located under the stairs. The tile is wet. I just dumped about 8 oz. of water from the leak that collected in a container. I had to re-grout the tile in that area. I am very disappointed about this. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/11/16 12:36AM As I mentioned on the phone, I asked Erik the questions of whether it would be safe to leave the plumbing unattached to a vanity for weeks while awaiting the new vanity. I expressed my concerns BEFORE the work was done. Erik said it would not be a problem. So, you need to fix the leak. If you do not fix the leak by the end of the week, Angie's List will get involved. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/11/16 12:38AM Yes, it was due to Erik's work. Part of his work is the answer to the question of whether it would be safe to leave the vanity for weeks, It turns out he was wrong. I will talk with Angie's List again tomorrow, They will get involved, ~[Member Name Removed] 5/11/16 12:47AM I never agreed that this was not due to Erik's work, and since I would not have had the vanity removed if a leak was possible, I will not be paying for the work until the problem you created is resolved. But I will be making a formal complaint to Angie's List, and I spoke with them on the phone yesterday. I will also be making a formal complaint to the BBB. I will also contact an attorney. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/11/16 9:40AM No, Keith has not contacted me. No, Erik did not suggest waiting until the new vanity arrived. Had he advised me to do that, I would have taken his advice since I assume that the handyman is the expert and I am the ignorant person relative to his expertise. I told him that if it was safe to leave the plumbing unattached to a vanity, that's what I would do. He said it was not a problem to do that and it simply was a matter of turning off those curly switches that protrude from the wall. Please ask Keith to call me this evening after 6 or first thing on Thursday morning. Today I am driving to L.A. and I will be back in the evening. Thanks, ~[Member Name Removed] 5/11/16 10:21PM I still have not heard from Keith. The phone number is phone number. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/12/16 9:27AM I am home now....please ask him to call. The drywall above the tile that Erik installed is now damp. If I do not hear from Keith soon, I will call the plumbing company that my condo complex uses and ask them to come out to repair the leak. But I am not going to pay you for the work that Erik did so long as there is a risk and damage that was created by his work. Once the leak and the risk of further damage is resolved, the work can be considered professionally complete. As of now, it is unfinished. Also, there is the issue of the pendant lamp that Erik installed/hung. When I pointed out to him that one of the three lamps was lower than the others, he said he knew that and he thought it was best to wait until the summer to deal with it because over time the black cords will straighten out, especially with the heat. So, since Erik will not be coming back in the summer, I now am left with an uneven lamp. That is unacceptable. And if Erik send me another unprofessional and inconsiderate rant email, I will forward it to Angie's List. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/12/16 10:59AM Yes, there was and is a container under the leak. Yesterday when I got home I noticed that the area was damp, and I felt the other curly wiry thing and it was damp. Rob, I am not a plumber. I do not even have the proper vocabulary to know what the various parts of this project are called. I have no expertise in this area. THAT is why I called you !!!! YOU and your technicians supposedly have the experience and expertise of a handyman. At least that is what you present to the public. I depended upon your handyman to advise and use his expertise to determine whether it would be wise to remove the vanity and leave the plumbing unattached. I asked Erik whether that was okay. He said it was okay to do that. If I knew the answers to my question, I would not never have called your company to take on the project, would I? You are supposed to be the knowledgeable ones with the experience, not me. So, I would appreciate it if you could deal with the problem that was created by Erik's work. As far as photos, if necessary I will send them to Angie's List. If I do not hear from Keith, I will call the plumbing company to repair the leaks. But I will not pay you for the work that Erik did so long as his work has created the problem! So, please resolve the problem! ~[Member Name Removed] 5/12/16 12:52PM So, to clarify, why would I pay for the work that Keith will perform when it is to correct the work that Erik did that created the problem of the leak? Erik should not have left the valves and the curly metal things in the condition they were and are in. He should have replaced them to secure the plumbing. Why would a technician not check that? If I were a professional handyman, I would not have left them in that condition. Moreover, if I knew that there would be plumbing issues after removing a vanity and leaving the plumbing as is, I would at the very least tell the customer that. Erik did the opposite....he said there would be no problem in removing the vanity and leaving the current plumbing. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/12/16 8:31PM It is incorrect to say that the valves were not leaking when Erik left. He may not have noticed that they were leaking, but that does not mean they weren't leaking. It just means he needs to look more closely and feel for dampness. Any skilled plumber would be trained to do that. As stated several times already, I asked Erik whether it was wise to remove a vanity and then leave the plumbing alone for four three to four weeks until the new vanity arrives. He said it would not be a problem. That turned out to be incorrect. If your technicians are skilled plumbers, they should know the answer to that question and should advise the customer about the potential risks beforehand. Had I known that the valves might leak, I would have waited until the new vanity arrived before hiring a handyman to remove the present one. You still have not addressed this question. Who is BrandonT and who is Blake Nickerson and who is Chad Pittman? I called Angie's List earlier in the week and spoke with a woman. She suggested that I post a review about Erik's incomplete work on the Angie's List website. Why are you telling me what I am agreeing to? I find that sexist and offensive. Is it professional to tell a customer what to do? Do you normally order people to do things? You can ask whether a customer agrees to something, but can you legally order them to do so? And I found your tone on the phone to be likewise rather bullying earlier today. If and when the plumbing is done correctly and I have adequate independent verification that it is not going to cause damage, and if and when the light is hung correctly, then we can discuss payment. Until then, you are telling me to pay for incomplete and incorrect work. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/12/16 9:15PM Rob, I just spoke with Nathaniel Morrison at Angie's List. I read him your email and asked him why you are telling me that I am agreeing to something. I also described the earlier phone call. He said that he also would feel that you are being inappropriate and rather bullying if you were to approach him in the same way. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/14/16 1:06PM Rob, You are asking for me to pay for the installation of a light wherein the lamps are uneven. Erik said he would correct the lengths of the cords later in the summer when they had straightened out with time and with heat. Would you pay for work that was incomplete? So, IF and when he (or a another electrician) has corrected the light lamps so that they are level with one another, as they are supposed to be, I will pay for the labor. I trusted Erik to come back and make the lamps level. I should not have trusted any of your technicians and I certainly will not do so again, but that does not mean I am agreeing to be taken advantage of. As for the second invoice, the plumber Keith did not take an hour to replace the valves; he took much less than an hour. How much time in labor is the invoice a charge for? I am not going to pay for an hour of labor for a job that should have been done by the original technician. And your statement about the leak appearing "several days" afterwards is erroneous. I will go ahead and post the review so that we can begin the process with Angie's List. ~[Member Name Removed] 5/14/16 1:11PM You never replied to this email Rob, yet you expect me to reply to your emails. Why the double standard? Why can't you treat customers with the degree of respect and courtesy that you expect from them? Again, I find that offensive and sexist. ~[Member Name Removed] I am sorry she felt our attitude was one of offensive and sexist consideration. I am sure her perception is due to her own interpretation. Please look at our other reviews and I think you will acknowledge this one has a life of it's own and we continue to provide quality service at a reasonable price with great concern for our customers. I am glad that she finally accepted the work was satisfactory and agreed to pay us in full (Though we haven't actually seen a check yet).