Response from The Duct Cleaning Pros
Thank you for sharing your concern, we certainly don’t want anyone to feel swindled. Rest assured our service is one of the best values in the industry. Let us explain: Unlike most, we use a Four Powered Vacuum System with True HEPPA Filtration specifically for the job so the work is fast and efficient. Yes we use a drill driver to spin our brushes which are specifically designed for the job. Lint on Roof: More lint on your roof is actually a good thing! When your vent is clean lint is less likely to stick to the vent pipe so it can exhaust to the roof. Unavoidably some lint will stick to the pipe over time. Lint sticks to the lint buildup easier than a clean pipe. When you don’t see lint blowing out of the vent onto the roof, it’s actually a sign of a potentially unsafe buildup inside the pipe. The fact you have more lint on your roof is actually because your vent pipe is clean enough the dryer can push any lint that gets past the filter outside like it’s supposed to. New Products: On homes with a dryer “Roof Cap” we highly recommend replacing it with a “Roof Jack.” This specialty product is designed to dramatically increase air flow from your dryer, reducing the unsafe buildup of lint in the vent pipe. It works so well we offer a 5 year no clog guarantee, but it is optional. If time permits, we also offer discounted services like window screens, solar sun shade screens, while we are already there and many of our customers take advantage of the savings. Dryer Performance: Typically dryer vents aren’t cleaned frequently enough. When the buildup becomes significant the dryer’s performance can degrade rapidly creating a fire hazard and it’s hard on your dryer too. Just like getting a haircut, it’s better to do it often so there isn’t a noticeable difference in dryer performance. If you home has a small diameter vent pipe unsafe buildup significantly decreases performance, but some homes with larger pipes don’t experience degradation even though their vent system has an unsafe buildup. Hopefully I’ve addressed all the issues you have, if you have any additional comments, feel free to post them here, or contact us directly, toll free at 888-570-9373.