Donahue Heating and Air Conditioning, one of the finest heating and cooling companies in LA county and Orange county. It is family owned and operated. We proudly serve Long Beach and surrounding areas. We have installed hundreds of systems in homes in these counties and probably dozens in your neighborhood. We pride ourselves in developing a relationship with our customers and creating a comfortable working environment. We specialize in system installations or we can retrofit your old unit with a newer, more efficient model.
Whether you are looking for a gas furnace service or repair, quality installation of a furnace, heat pump or air conditioner, our professional staff is ready to help with all your heating and cooling needs. Feel free to contact us with any questions, comments or concerns about your existing or future heating and air conditioning system.
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Donahue Heating and Air Conditioning, one of the finest heating and cooling companies in LA county and Orange county. It is family owned and operated. We proudly serve Long Beach and surrounding areas. We have installed hundreds of systems in homes in these counties and probably dozens in your neighborhood. We pride ourselves in developing a relationship with our customers and creating a comfortable working environment. We specialize in system installations or we can retrofit your old unit with a newer, more efficient model.
Whether you are looking for a gas furnace service or repair, quality installation of a furnace, heat pump or air conditioner, our professional staff is ready to help with all your heating and cooling needs. Feel free to contact us with any questions, comments or concerns about your existing or future heating and air conditioning system.
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