Description of Work: The salesman misrepresented, told us they provided all maintenance on the panels, including cleaning. I specifically asked about that because this is a two story house. When I called them for cleaning, they said they did not provide that and to check our contract. Sure enough that was NOT in writing, and that is the only thing that counts. To be fair, WE were at fault for not reading the fine print. Our accountant informed us at tax time that most companies let you keep your tax deduction, not so with GCI.... they had us sign off on it, and said that was to pay off the panels and installation. We also made the huge mistake of leasing..... we understood that the lease was transferable. When we sold the house two years later, we discovered that the pay off balance was $43,ooo. If we wanted to include future maintenance for the new owners, it would have cost us over $60,000. Had we continued to pay on the lease for the duration of the contract, the total would have been in excess of $95,000, at a monthly rate of $475 a month, and that is what the new owners would have had to assume. Bottom line, WE did not do our homework, and had we paid better attention, we would have found a more economical plan / company. In addition, when we finally did sell the house, their finance department dragged their feet in co-operating with Escrow, causing us to extend the escrow TWICE, each time for a week. After the sale, escrow closed, we had moved and new owners in possesion of the property, I got an email from GCI finance, stating that I had missed initialing something on their release, which they sent and put a CURRENT date on (which was not the date we originally had signed, but later, after the fact). I refused to initial their paperwork unless they corrected the date to reflect on the actual date of signature. They not only refused to correct the date, they threatened to refuse the release of contract and hold me responsible for the remaining amount, even though they had already received a check for $43,000, from escrow, to pay off the lease. Read the fine print carefully before agreeing, make sure all questions are answered in writing, never lease solar equipment, and stay away from GCI!