ok this is a difficult one,i have went through my appointment book to find the address,there is no address,or name to match [member name removed],so i do not know how i can get a ( d ) on price when i never gave the member an estimate,or met with the member,i mapquested the address,not a familiar address,anyways i have no idea what happened,or why there was a misunderstanding,but once again i will repeat,any members who have used our services have been completely satisfied with the work done,and have given positive reviews.our price,and quality is very competitive,if not the best,i will not say we cannot be under priced as i am sure we can,but it will be a low bid,low quality finished a company we strive to give a high quality,finished on time, remodeling project at a very competitive price,that is always our goal,and to the member i have no idea,and apologize for any misunderstanding. david simmons Interior remodeling By Simmons