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Hastings Fence

Animal Fencing, Fencing


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bobbi A.
fencing, dog fence
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They took over a month to put up what should have taken 4 days to begin with. They would show up every few days, sometimes going a week in between times.Once up, they could not get electric fence to work, after having me purchase both an A/C charger then a solar charger. They state they have done their job. "Their job" is poly tape strung up that horses get through since there is no power, poly tape blown all over my property. They say it is not their fault the horses go through it. Excuse me...but WHO'S fault IS it? It is SUPPOSED to have POWER. They claim they "used all of their labor charges." The used it trying unsuccessfully to hook up the power!! Hastings claims it was because my house doesn't supply enough power which is absolutely ludicrous. Now I have to call in ANOTHER fence company to fix their mess. ALL these people did for me was pound in the T posts. That was IT for 1300.00. If they didn't know what they were doing (which obviously they didn't) they should have never taken on the job and charged me. I have plenty of photos of the mess they have left me with. They totally shammed me.
Description of Work: Put up electric fence. In the first paragraph Michelle Hastings states right here that an electrical fence was to be built - most people would assume that hiring someone to build an electrical fence would provide an electrical fence that WORKS. The work was NOT finished on May 3 and I have several witness's to the fact of my building frustration over how long this whole ordeal took. The charge box that Hastings provided worked absolutely fine when plugged in to the house power inside, this is when all the issues began and Hastings started ludicrously blaming my power to my house not being sufficient. According to Hastings my fence would be complete by the 6th so I had made previous arrangements to have the horses home on that date or around. I could not change dates with the person hauling horses for me to suit the Hastings not having the fence finished as they had stated they would. The horses tearing through the fence was a direct result of the my electric fence not having power, as Hastings was hired to build an electric fence that worked. My boarding being paid through May has absolutely no bearing on this case and is none of the Hastings business. The electrician changed out an outlet that the refrigerator was plugged in to absolutely nothing was said about my home not having enough power. This statement is crazy. The electrician informed me that any time there is an electrical fence it needs to be run off a separate breaker to be safe. The problem still stands to the fence Hastings built...NOT my home not having enough power to run a fence. Hastings is grasping at strings for any excuse other than the true fact that they were clueless to do the job they were hired and advertise for. I could include all the text messages that went back and forth, the illiteracy by the Hastings in these texts is almost laughable. And yes, Hastings flat out said "you house "don't" have enough power to run the icebox". I did not buy a used solar box off of Craigs List. The box was brand new, still in never opened packaging. Hastings are darned right I spread the word about what happened to me. And this good reputation she claims is false, I have heard very much otherwise from many of the ranchers in the Kingman area. The bottom line is that I paid Hastings to build and electrical fence; 1300.00; and what I got for 1300.00 was T posts pounded in and that is absolutely it. That was the end result. yes they hung tape and wire but it never worked. It is not my fault that they spent so much time here trying to figure out what they were doing! When you hire someone to build an electrical fence most would assume aworking electrical fence is what they would get!

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Hastings Fence
There are many discrepancies and incomplete information contained in this complaint. First, the job was not completed on April 29, as stated. Materials for the job were purchased that day. We agree Hastings Fence was hired to build an electric fence and we pounded t-posts and strung poly tape [with connectors] as stated in her complaint. Work commenced April 30 and finished May 3, four days. Initially, upon agreeing to build the fence, we mentioned we had an old a/c charger box that she could have but we could not guarantee that it worked. On May 3 we connected this box to the fence for her, but it did not put out sufficient voltage to charge the fence so we assumed the box did not work. As is stated in her complaint, she bought a new a/c box at her expense. What she failed to mention was this was not until her next payday, May 13, ten days later. Meanwhile, on or about May 6, she chose to have her horses delivered from the boarding location even though their board was paid through the end of May. She failed to mention these details also in her statement. According to her complaint, it is our fault the fence is not holding her horses. We respectfully disagree. It is the direct result of her decision to put her horses in early without her fence being charged. In an effort to be genial, we returned, on our own time and no charge to her, the morning of May 13 (ten days after we finished) to help her with her with the new box. The new a/c box, when plugged in to the power outlet outside her home, also did not put out sufficient voltage to charge the fence. When the new box did not work either, we did some research together online and the only troubleshooting suggestion that was a possibility was perhaps there was not sufficient ground. Also, May 13,we brought a large cedar post, dug a deep hole and placed it in the ground for her to tie her horses up. There was no charge for the post or for setting it. This was free for her. Later that afternoon, after we were gone, she had a service call from an electrician for an issue in her home. He informed her that her house was “wired by a handyman”. When asked about her issue charging her fence, he advised her she did not have enough power in her house circuits to run any size a/c charger box and the only way to get sufficient current to the charger box is to run a dedicated electric line from the transformer to a separate circuit breaker for the fence charger box. Understandably, this did not set well with her and she was adamant about having a ground problem. All this information is recorded in text messages sent by her to me, May 13.. So you see, it was not us who said “her house does not supply enough power” as stated in her complaint, but a licensed electrician!! Nevertheless, in a continued effort to satisfy her, which was beginning to seem doubtful, we purchased, at our own expense, more ground rods May 14 and placed them for her on May 15, Again, we hooked the boxes up (our old one and her new one). And again they did not put sufficient current through the tape. This was yet an another day of our own time and no charge for her. She determined, after the extra ground rods did not help, she would get a solar box. She located a used one on Craigslist. By this time, it was apparent that if the charger she buys has an issue, e.g. does not work, or is not strong enough or whatever else, we will get blamed for that also. By her own admission, she bought an a/c box then a solar box to power her fence. If “her house power is FINE” as she claims, why would she need to buy a solar charger. We built the fence as we were hired to do, but will not be held responsible for her issues powering it. Perhaps the party she acquired the solar box from can help her. We understand she is frustrated and we tried to accommodate her until it became obvious we were going to be the scapegoat no matter what, and that has indeed escalated. Ordinarily, we would be willing to work out a resolution agreeable to both parties, but after this and other actions taken by her to sabotage our business, we are not willing to have any more interaction with her. We have many references from people we have fenced for over the years and have worked hard to build a good reputation and will continue to do that. Michele Hastings

    Contact information

    unknown, Kingman, AZ 86401


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    Service Categories

    Animal Fencing,


    Hastings Fence is currently rated 1 overall out of 5.
    No, Hastings Fence does not offer free project estimates.
    No, Hastings Fence does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Hastings Fence does not offer a senior discount.
    No, Hastings Fence does not offer emergency services.
    No, Hastings Fence does not offer warranties.

    Contact information

    unknown, Kingman, AZ 86401