Integrity Inspires Trust...
And That Explains Why More People Choose Woodland Homes
To Give Them Everything They Are Looking For In A New Home.
Satisfied Customers And Success Come From Dedication To A Genuine Work Ethic. In 1995 Mike and Melissa Friday established a “Team” approach to new home construction that is second to none. Their philosophy identifies key components that have a proven track record for success:
Recognize ever-changing markets and what the home buyers look for. All of the communities that they build and develop have easy access and excellent locations.
A Professional “Team” that has developed a time-proven, step-by-step system helping the home buyers have the easiest and most enjoyable experience possible.
Communication... They continually talk about Woodland Homes as a family, a “Team”. Each component of the company works from that perspective, whether it is the employees, working with suppliers or subcontractors.
As a teenager working alongside his father in real estate, he sought out successful builder and development mentors. Soon Mike permanently ventured out on his own and Woodland Homes of Huntsville, Inc. was incorporated in 1995. Mike has come a long way since building his first 1,600 sq.ft. home. His dedication to the “Team” philosophy has laid the foundation for the growth and success he has experienced.
Today, Mike and Melissa’s “Team” of professionals continues to strive, not just for excellence, but to be innovative and sensitive to the home-buying public. Currently, they have a roster of extremely successful communities. They have their own in-house dream design center, plan department and countless people working in the same accord. Mike’s “Team” has a reputation for building homes with superior structural integrity and quality craftsmanship.
Mike and his team continually communicate to strive for excellence. If we refine our program every day and get better with what we do, then ultimately, the benefit will be to our customers.” Mike and Melissa are completely dedicated to their community of North Alabama and support many charitable causes within the community. Mike is a valued member of the MADISON COUNTY HBA, the NATIONAL HBA, and the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU.