What Is Zoysia Grass? Pros, Cons, and How To Grow It

The grass is definitely greener on the zoysia side

Fresh green carpet grass
Photo: Don't be so sure that world is wind till you've checked it out / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Fresh green carpet grass
Photo: Don't be so sure that world is wind till you've checked it out / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

  • Zoysia grass is a warm-season variety that thrives in full sunlight. 

  • It’s more expensive than other options but can withstand drought. 

  • This type of grass can be grown by seed, sod, or plugs. 

  • Regular maintenance is essential to proper growth. 

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Known for its resiliency and lush, green appearance, zoysia has become a preferred choice for homeowners as well as landscapers and golf course managers alike. This particular grass species has a unique set of characteristics that sets it apart from other options, making it a staple in warm-weather lawns around the globe. If you’re interested in growing zoysia grass and are weighing the pros and cons, our guide can help you determine if this turf is right for you and how to grow and maintain it. 

What Is Zoysia Grass?

Common nameZoysia grass
Botanical nameZoysia spp.
Plant typePerennial turf grass
Height4–6 in. tall
Sun exposureFull
Soil typeWell-drained
Hardiness zones5–10 (USDA)

Known for its vibrant green color and ability to withstand heavy foot traffic, zoysia grass forms a dense turf that stays green from spring to fall. It’s a warm-season grass that grows best in full sunlight but can also handle shade and occasional cooler periods. Whether your yard gets lots of sunshine or gets lots of use, zoysia grass is well suited for both scenarios. 

Zoysia Grass Pros and Cons 

No grass is perfect, and zoysia grass is no exception. You’ll find that this type of grass is best for lawns that receive lots of light and are exposed to less severe temperatures and weather conditions. 

Pros of Zoysia GrassCons of Zoysia Grass
Tolerates drought well Seed is expensive
Stays green most of the year Can’t tolerate heavy shade
Can withstand heavy foot traffic Takes 2 years to grow
Easy to maintainCan be invasive
Weed resistant Turns brown in drought conditions

Types of Zoysia Grass 

Choosing a type of grass for your lawn involves much more than selecting one species and buying the seed. There are several types of zoysia grass that may work best for your lawn depending on your needs and preferences, including:  

Zoysia Japonica

Most commonly used for turfgrass, Zoysia japonica is the fastest growing and most cold-hardy of the species. Look for those in the Meyer family if you want a wider, coarser blade and those in the Emerald family for a finer texture.

Zoysia Matrella 

Also called Manilagrass, zoysia matrella boasts a fine, dense structure, but it isn’t as cold-tolerant as japonica, and it takes longer to establish.

Zoysia Tenuifolia 

The finest and densest of all the widely available zoysia grasses, zoysia tenuifolia is also the least cold-tolerant and most high maintenance.

How to Plant Zoysia Grass

Green grass texture
Photo: EwaStudio / Adobe Stock

Be patient when planting zoysia grass—it typically takes a few years to establish fully. Growing from seed is tricky (and only possible with the commercially available species Zoysia japonica), so you might want to opt for planting plugs (small rooted pieces) or, if you have the budget, laying sod. For the best chance of success, plant at the end of April (after the last frost) through the end of June.

Place plugs eight to 12 inches apart and keep the area moist (but not soggy) with daily, light waterings for the first fortnight. You can pull back on your watering schedule as the plugs establish, but make sure to keep the first four inches of soil most when you irrigate and pull any weeds that could get in the way of growth. 

Zoysia Grass Care Tips

If you offer zoysia the right conditions, the grass is not difficult to grow or maintain. Follow these zoysia grass care tips to secure the greenest, most lush lawn on the block.


Zoysia requires full to partial sun. In the warmer southern states, zoysia grass still grows well in areas with some shade, but a full sun position in cooler transition zones is best to allow your lawn to thrive.


Once established, zoysia is excellent at conserving water. The deep root system and rolling grass blades of zoysia mean that it will remain green during short drought periods. However, it will turn brown over longer dry and hot periods, so you’ll want to provide a slow application of around 1 inch of water every week to quench its thirst.

Don’t panic if you forget to water it—your zoysia grass should turn green again during the growing season once you restart an irrigation schedule or when the rains arrive.


Adaptable to a wide range of soils, including sandy and clay, and copes with acidic and alkaline conditions. If needed, aerate your lawn to prevent compacted soil that could slow growth.


Like most lawns, fertilizing zoysia grass should happen between late May and late August to keep the grass healthy. Avoid fertilizing zoysia during early spring or late fall when it lays dormant.

Around 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet should be enough to promote lush color and coverage. Applying too much nitrogen will just encourage excessive thatch accumulation (a messy layer of organic material). 


In terms of grass cutting tips, weekly mowing of zoysia helps maintain a neat appearance, prevents thatch build-up, and encourages earlier greening. It can handle close mowing of around 2 inches or a bit less, but you’ll need good blades on your mower for this dense ground cover.

Zoysia Grass Yearly Schedule of Care

Zoysia has a pretty specific growing schedule. As a warm-season grass, its active growth starts in late spring and continues through summer. Still, zoysia is a perennial grass, so it will also require maintenance while dormant in the winter. Here is a brief overview of caring for zoysia grass year-round.  


As the grass comes out of dormancy and begins to green, you’ll want to seed patchy lawns⁠—just be sure the danger of frost has passed. Start mowing and give your lawn its first feed in late spring.


Weekly mowing in the summer helps keep your growing lawn looking tidy and, in dry periods, weekly watering helps the grass remain vibrant green. If your grass is slow to grow, this is the time to get out the aeration machine. 

Zoysia might also appreciate a second application of fertilizer towards the end of the summer to keep it green for as long as possible.


Continue mowing your lawn until the grass begins to brown as the temperatures drop. Rake away leaves and other debris to help retain a green color for as long as possible.


Take a rest from major lawn maintenance. When zoysia grass is dormant, it won’t need mowing, fertilizing, or supplemental irrigation. Keep the grass clear of winter debris, such as fallen branches, and watch for winter weeds.

If you’re still unsure if zoysia grass is right for you or need help getting your lawn started, call a lawn care professional near you.

Gemma Johnstone contributed to this piece.

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