3 Ways to Remove Snow From Your Roof

Whether you rake, de-ice, or lasso, roof snow removal protects your home

Neighborhood houses under snow
Photo: Karelian / Adobe Stock
Neighborhood houses under snow
Photo: Karelian / Adobe Stock
Lauren Bongard
Written by Lauren Bongard
Contributing Writer
Updated October 13, 2023
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Nothing makes a neighborhood look more cozy and wintry than snow-capped roofs. But when that snow comes down too fast and heavy or accumulates over several storms, it can actually endanger your roof and your home. Follow the helpful tips below to remove snow from your roof and avoid collapse, ice dams, leaks, roofing damage, and dangerous falling piles of snow.

When Should You Remove Snow From a Roof?

Its shape will determine how often and when to remove snow from your roof. If you have a newer sloped roof—especially a very sharp peaked slope—you may never need to remove snow. That is because, in most cases, snow will not accumulate in dangerous amounts. Further, most modern sloped roofs are built to withstand heavy loads; when built to code, they should be able to handle more than a foot of built-up snow.

Low-slope or flat roofs, however, are a different story. Without slope or pitch, snow can build up in deep drifts that compact and get heavier over time as it melts, refreezes, and forms ice dams. Flat roofing is usually not as structurally sturdy as sloped roofs, so it may not be able to hold as much weight.

So, how much snow can your roof hold? That depends on a lot of factors, and can only be precisely determined by a professional, but it is best to remove roof snow before it exceeds 12 inches in depth. For low-slope and flat roofs, take a more conservative approach and remove snow long before it hits the one-foot mark. 

Keep in mind that snow compacts, becoming heavier as it sits, even though it may look as though it is shrinking. Remember to clear gutters and downspouts when you remove snow so that any meltwater can easily flow off your roof and prevent formation of ice dams and icicles.

It is also important to factor in new snowfall, especially when it is forecast to be wet and heavy. If snow has already accumulated on your roof before an impending storm, take the safe route and remove existing snow to make room for new accumulation. That way, you will not find yourself raking snow off a roof during a blinding snowstorm.

How Much Does Roof Snow Removal Cost?

Roof snow removal costs are surprisingly affordable, at an average of $200 to $400 per season. Of course, factors including your home’s roof height and pitch, your location, the depth of the snow, the removal method, and even how busy the company is will impact the overall price. Some companies offer better rates to clients who sign up for a certain number of services or routine snow removal, as opposed to one-off calls.

One thing to keep in mind is that labor makes up almost the entire cost of snow removal, so unlicensed and uninsured operators will often be able to charge a lot less than licensed, insured companies. But hiring cheap services can come with a very high cost if a worker is injured on the job or damages your property; without company insurance coverage, you can be left on the hook for any injuries or damage while they are on your property. To protect yourself, insist on hiring licensed and insured companies that provide safe, experienced snow removal services.

Signs That Roof Snow Is Too Heavy

Ideally, you should remove snow proactively before it gets to the point of being too heavy for your roof. Once you see signs that the weight is too much, your roof can already have irreversible damage. Still, it is good to know what to look for. Here are some common signs that it is past time for roof snow removal:

  • Creaking, groaning, or cracking noises from your roof joists or attic area

  • An actively sagging roof or ceiling

  • Ceiling boards, drywall, or other ceiling material shifting, cracking, or moving

  • Bowing or sagging roof decking, plywood, trusses, beams, or supports

  • Wall or masonry cracks

  • Water spots or roof leaks that appear suddenly or worsen quickly

  • Doors that suddenly take effort to close or will not open or close

If your home has an older roof, if you have had any problems with leaking or snow weight in the past, if a lot of heavy snow is in your forecast, or if you are concerned about your roof’s ability to handle snow load for any reason, call a professional roofing contractor near you to inspect your roofing and let you know whether it is safe or needs replacement or repair.

Safety Precautions When Removing Snow From Your Roof 

Any work on or around roofs can be dangerous, and that danger is amplified when dealing with heavy snow, icicles, or ice dams that can fall and cause injury. Caring for your roof is important, but make sure you are caring for yourself first and foremost with these tips:

  • Stay safely on the ground. Snow-covered roofs are a major fall hazard, and ladder rungs will become icy and slippery in snowy weather.

  • Always have someone with you to help if needed and watch out for potential problems or emergencies.

  • Watch out for falling snow at all times. A square foot of snow weighs 20 pounds or more, and even smaller piles can injure or even kill people and pets.

  • Keep pets and children inside or far away from the roofline while you are working.

  • Dress warmly and cover extremities to guard against frostbite and hypothermia; wear layers so you can remove just enough to regulate your temperature.

  • Take regular breaks to get warm and give your body a rest from strenuous work.

  • Never attempt snow removal if you have heart problems, are not healthy and fit, or are unable to move quickly to avoid falling snow.

  • Be cautious near power lines or electrical boxes.

  • If you are using metal tools, consider buying a nonmetal extension pole to protect you from accidental electrocution.

How to Remove Snow From Your Roof

No matter the method you choose, the first step should be to ensure you take all safety precautions possible and have someone to help or observe in case you need help. Next, take the time to make a path around your home so that you can move more easily and safely while removing snow from your roof. Use a snowblower or shovel, or use snowshoes or heavy boots to tamp down a path. Then, decide the best method for how to get the snow off your roof, and have all of your tools and equipment ready and handy before you begin.

Use a Roof Snow Rake

Roof rakes are a great option for most roofs. Long and light with grooves, prongs, or a rubber squeegee-like blade at the end to pull snow off a roof without requiring a ladder, roof rakes are a good tool for removing snow at the edge of a roofline. They help prevent heavy snow buildup, ice dams, icicles, and other dangerous winter roof conditions.

  1. Assemble the roof rake according to manufacturer directions (if required).

  2. Stand on the ground as far away as possible to stay clear of falling snow.

  3. Lift the roof snow rake above your head using both hands and place the tines, prongs, or squeegee blade into the snow on your roof.

  4. Pull it toward you, dragging the snow off the roof in sections. Working in smaller sections will make it easier to remove deep, heavy, or wet snow.

  5. Do not scrape all the way down to your roof’s surface to avoid causing damage; aim to leave about an inch of snow in place.

  6. Take several swipes of smaller amounts of snow to avoid overtaxing yourself.

  7. Take breaks as needed as you work around the roof in sections.

Use a De-Icer With Calcium Chloride

Chemical de-icers have the potential to harm your roof and gutters permanently if you choose the wrong one or use it incorrectly. For this reason, always pick a roof-safe de-icer made of calcium chloride and labeled as compatible with your type of roofing. Then, use it exactly as the manufacturer intends, following all packaging instructions. You can proactively place de-icer on your roof before winter or ahead of forecasted storms, or you may place it after snow and ice have begun to build up.

Here is one way experts recommend using calcium chloride de-icers:

  1. Fill a nylon stocking or tube sock with de-icer granules; tie off the open end.

  2. Toss or place the stocking onto your roof, with the toe or tied-off end pointing down toward the ground (perpendicular to the gutters).

  3. Place filled tubes every three to five feet, paying attention to areas where the roof drains or where you have had trouble with snow and ice buildup.

  4. The de-icer will activate, slowly melting channels into the snow and ice, allowing the water to drain off the roof, and opening up the roofing to let the sun’s rays warm it and help melt off surrounding snow.

Use a Rope

A simple length of rope can be a great tool to remove snow buildup from single-story roofs. For this method, you will ideally want to have two people; however, if snow removal is a one-person job in your household, you can tie a heavy object to one end of the rope to act as a counterweight to your pulling motions. Only attempt this method if you are sure of your ability to do it safely; otherwise, call a pro.

  1. Choose a rope that is long enough to span the width of your roofing and give you enough slack to hold or secure both ends near ground level.

  2. Holding one side of the rope firmly in your hands, toss the other end over to a second person on the opposite side. You may want to secure the rope to an object or knot the end several times to make it easier to toss.

  3. With both people grasping tightly to their side of the rope, pull back and forth in a sawing motion, moving slowly toward the edge of the roof.

  4. The motion of the rope should help dislodge snow and pull it down and off the roof.

Note: Use caution as you do this, maintaining a safe distance from the roof so that you do not get hit by heavy piles of falling snow.

Use Heating Cables

If you plan ahead in the summer or fall, this method can keep snow and ice from building up all winter without any hands-on work from you. Heating cables, also referred to as de-icing cables, are insulated wires that you can install on the edge of your home’s roof near the eaves and inside gutters and downspouts to melt snow and ice. Most are low voltage and maintain a low temperature that is safe for roofs of all kinds. Be sure only to purchase and install cables that are recommended for your type of roof; consult a roofing contractor for advice if you have questions.

  1. Choose heating cables and an attachment system that work with your roof type.

  2. Using a ladder and your best safety practices, install the attachment system and heating cables according to manufacturer recommendations.

  3. Using a zigzag pattern that covers the bottom six to 12 inches of your roof edge can give the cable better coverage, ensuring snow and ice dams do not build up.

  4. Install heating cables in your gutters and downspouts, too, to prevent them from filling with melted snow water and freezing in cold temperatures. This will keep them flowing all winter long, protecting your roof from ice dams and gutter system from damage.

  5. Unplug cables during warmer temperatures or sunny days to protect your heating bill; just remember to turn them on again before the weather gets cold or the next snowstorm hits.

Note: Most brands of heating cables recommend turning them on before expected snowfall to warm up your roof and encourage the snow to melt as it falls so that it never builds up. If you turn on cables after a lot of snow or ice has built up, they may not work as well and can cause large pieces of snow and ice to fall, creating hazards.

What to Avoid When Removing Snow From a Roof Yourself

Professional removing snow on roof of home
Photo: Oleg / Adobe Stock

There are many methods for getting snow off roofs, but you need to choose a safe one. Preventing roof damage is key when removing snow; after all, you are removing heavy snow and ice in order to protect your roof and its integrity. Using damaging tools to remove snow is counterintuitive, as they can leave your roof scratched or compromised.

Metal Shovels

Never use metal shovels, rakes, hoes, ice picks, or similar metal tools on your roofing. Metal tools can scratch, dent, and permanently damage roofing, leaving it vulnerable to water intrusion and leaks. Instead, choose a snow rake or similar tool that is made to remove snow from roofs safely and without causing damage.


It is tempting to throw a few handfuls of rock salt up onto your roof and let it melt the ice and snow away with no other efforts from you. After all, it melts ice and snow from your driveway; would it not be just as effective on your roof?

The answer is that, while it will melt snow and ice no matter where you put it, rock salt can severely damage your roof and gutter system, causing even bigger problems in the future. Salt is corrosive, so it will eat away at shingles and cause gutters and downspouts to rust and form holes. If you must use a de-icer, look for non-corrosive de-icing products made of calcium chloride, and use according to manufacturer instructions.

Do Not Use Electric Heating Tools 

Electric heating tools such as hair dryers, heat guns, flame-making devices, and other hot tools can cause flooding and avalanche-like snow collapse and even melt roofing in some cases, which makes for dangerous situations and permanent damage. In some cases, homeowners have even set their homes on fire while attempting to melt snow with electric or open-flame devices. Never use these items on your roof—and seriously question any roof snow removal company that offers to use them for you.

Do Not Do It Alone

It should go without saying, but any type of roof work is potentially dangerous, and you should use utmost caution when doing anything on or near your roof. In this case, climbing on your roof when it is slippery can be dangerous, and removing snow comes with the possibility of being injured by falling piles of heavy snow or icicles. For your own protection, never clear your roof of snow by yourself. Always have someone on hand to help you or at least to watch the progress; if you need help or something goes wrong, they can lend a hand or call for help.

Tips to Remove Snow and Prevent Ice Dams on Your Roof

By removing snow, you can help prevent ice dams, icicles, and roof damage. That is a lot of benefit for a moderate amount of work. Here, we cover the best ways to remove heavy roof snow and prevent ice dams from forming on your roof.

  • Remove snow before it accumulates to a depth of more than 12 inches.

  • Remember, compacted snow can be very heavy, so removing it before it gets too deep and solid can save your back and your roof.

  • Do not scrape snow completely off your roof; aim to leave about an inch of snow covering the surface of your roof to prevent damage.

  • Plan ahead. It is smarter to remove snow more frequently or before storms hit, rather than trying to do it all at once, during a snowstorm, or after it has reached a dangerous point.

DIY Roof Snow Removal vs. Hiring a Pro 

Removing snow from your roof might seem like an easy DIY task. After all, snow is light and fluffy, right? Not when it is piling up on your roof! Snow compacts quickly and can become icy, heavy, and dangerous even mere hours after a storm.

If you are in good shape, do not have a history of cardiac problems, and own the tools you need, you should be able to remove snow from a roof yourself. However, because roof work of any kind can be dangerous, there is nothing wrong with bringing in a pro to do the heavy lifting. In fact, roof snow removal is one of those home maintenance tasks that is often well worth the price of having someone else do it for you.

Good snow removal contractors near you will have all of the licensing, insurance, tools, and expertise they need to do the job quickly, effectively, and safely. 

Frequently Asked Questions

During big storms and snowy winters, snow can accumulate fast and stick around; it is up to you to keep heavy snow off your roof so it does not cause damage or leaks. Roof rakes can be a great solution. These long-handled rakes allow you to stand on the ground and swipe snow off reachable areas, especially near the roof edges where ice dams can form. You may also use heating cables that melt snow. The easiest and safest way to deal with a lot of heavy snow is by calling a snow removal professional to do the work for you.

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Lauren Bongard
Written by Lauren Bongard
Contributing Writer
Lauren is a full-time writer and editor, focusing on home improvement and construction. She enjoys combining her interest in renovating homes with real-life tips that can make the job easier. Her personal style emphasizes sustainability, retaining original character, revealing hidden beauty, and a love for all things old.
Lauren is a full-time writer and editor, focusing on home improvement and construction. She enjoys combining her interest in renovating homes with real-life tips that can make the job easier. Her personal style emphasizes sustainability, retaining original character, revealing hidden beauty, and a love for all things old.
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