Should You Let a Realtor Choose Your Home Inspector?

Get real about which home inspector is right for you

Home buyers look over house with inspector
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Home buyers look over house with inspector
Photo: praetorianphoto / E+ / Getty Images
Ginny Bartolone
Written by Ginny Bartolone
Contributing Writer
Updated November 1, 2023
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A real estate agent is your best friend during a house hunt, dutifully checking off your property’s must-haves, soothing frayed nerves during a bidding war, and later offering the name of their favorite home inspector. But, should you use your realtor’s inspector? Maybe. Read over the pros and cons of using your realtor’s home inspector recommendation, so you can make the best choice for your circumstances. 

The Pros of Using Your Realtor’s Home Inspector 

Real estate experts say you should interview several local real estate agents before deciding who will walk you through one of the most exciting and stressful events of your life. After meeting with a few agents, most people find a genuine connection and begin to build a trusting relationship—which makes sense, because hundreds of thousands of dollars is a hefty sum to ask just anyone to safeguard.

The rapport you build with your real estate agent is the number one pro for using their contacts to choose a home inspector. If you can’t trust your agent to help you buy a house, who can you trust? Once you establish a good working relationship with your agent, there are some advantages to getting their recommendation for who to choose as your home inspector.

By-Name Referrals

Experienced agents have networks of real estate professionals whom they rely on every day to serve their clients. These become their go-to inspectors because they’re good at what they do, they’re reliable, and they can relate to nervous buyers who want reassurance. That sounds like a good description of what a home inspector should be, right?

If your agent mentions one or two trusted home inspectors by name, it's a great place to start, but you don’t have to take their suggestions immediately. Most agents want you to do your own research. Read online reviews about the inspector, ask about their experience, and find out how much the home inspection costs

Choosing an Inspector From a List 

Some agents like to give their clients a list of reputable inspectors to choose from because buyers often want plenty of options to pick their perfect match. It’s like dating—some personalities just click better than others.

Usually, agents have worked with the inspectors and feel good about sharing their names because they work toward an unbiased and accurate home inspection report. But, again, it's up to you to fully vet potential inspectors before agreeing to pay their fees. 

The Cons of Using Your Realtor’s Inspector

Unfortunately, now and then, agents don't have their buyer’s backs, work only for the commission, or purposefully offer the name of an inspector who gives glowing reports. 

Receiving a biased or untruthful inspection report is the main con for using an inspector your agent recommends. Here are some other disadvantages to consider:

Conflict of Interest

For the buyer, there’s a lot at stake at the hands of a home inspector. After all, they could discover things that fail a home inspection, which could directly impact your decision to buy. However, sometimes a real estate agent might suggest a certain inspector they’ve worked with who may miss a property’s red flags in order to secure a quick sale. The same risk goes for sellers who use their agent’s go-to inspector to conduct a pre-listing home inspection.

Preferred Vendor Partnership

If your agent hands you a list of recommendations, know that there’s a chance the inspectors have paid for this marketing. Most reputable inspectors won't pay to play, so a lot of qualified inspectors are probably left off the preferred vendor list.

It’s worth noting that most inspectors who belong to a professional inspector organization, like the International Association of Certified Inspectors or the American Society of Home Inspectors, are restricted from paying preferred vendor fees. Inspectors who are members of professional organizations like these hold their members to high standards of knowledge and ethics and will likely not be on the list.

How Do I Find a Home Inspector?

A woman talking on the phone
Photo: ChayTee / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

If you’d feel better vetting your own inspector, don’t worry; there are a few reputable ways to find a home inspector on your own. First, word of mouth is the best way to find referrals. Ask friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and anyone with connections to your neighborhood. Second, don’t forget to review top-rated home inspectors in your area.

If you need an inspector with specialty training, such as a historic homes inspector or an inspection on a new-build home, you’ll want to check in with these professionals or professional organizations: 

  • National Association of Home Inspectors

  • American Society of Home Inspectors

  • Mortgage lenders

  • Local contractors

  • Homeowners association

How To Interview an Inspector

Once you’ve narrowed down your top home inspector picks, ask them about their experience and credentials during the interview. Ask about things like their education and professional memberships. Here are a couple of conversation starters: 

  • Education: Make sure your home inspector has the licensing and certification to work in your state. Ask how many hours per year they commit to continuing their education.

  • Professional organization membership: Being a member of a professional organization gives the inspector a set of standards to follow and shows a dedication to professionalism. 

  • Concerns: Mention any specifics you're concerned about. Note that most inspectors during a general home inspection won’t walk on a roof or check on water wells or septic systems. 

  • Types of Inspections: There are several types of home inspections to address specific issues like electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems. See which the inspector can cover or if they have recommendations for other pros who can.

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Ginny Bartolone
Written by Ginny Bartolone
Contributing Writer
For the past ten years, Ginny Bartolone has encouraged readers to enhance their DIY skills in a wide range of home and lifestyle topics.
For the past ten years, Ginny Bartolone has encouraged readers to enhance their DIY skills in a wide range of home and lifestyle topics.
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