How to Reset an Alarm System in 4 Easy Steps

It only takes a few minutes to refresh your home’s security

Woman resetting security system at home
Photo: Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Woman resetting security system at home
Photo: Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Sophie Yalkezian
Written by Sophie Yalkezian
Contributing Writer
Updated October 18, 2023



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Your home security system is bound to need a reset once in a while. Maybe you’re setting a new code after moving in, powering it on after a blackout, or just want to troubleshoot a problem. If you need to know how to reset an alarm system, don’t worry. It’s an easy DIY you can do yourself in a matter of minutes—with no supplies necessary. 

Prepping to Reset an Alarm System

Most systems will follow the general path of these five steps. However, it can vary slightly between products, especially when it comes to hardwired systems vs. wireless systems. Reach out to the company that manufactures your system or check your manual for specific instructions—if you can’t find your physical copy, they’re usually available online, too.

  1. Disconnect the Power

    Security system transformer plug on a table
    Photo: Endrias Zewde / Adobe Stock

    You’re going to need to cut off the system’s power supply momentarily in order to reset it. That means unplugging the transformer from the wall outlet. There are transformers included in both wired and wireless systems, and they’re usually the only component that actually plugs into a wall outlet. You’ll also remove the backup battery, which is most often located within the control panel or system board and can be simply popped out. 

    Some systems specify whether you should first disconnect the transformer and then the backup battery or the other way around. Check manual instructions online if needed.

  2. Wait a Few Minutes

    At this point, the control panel or board’s screen should be totally dark. If it seems like the system is still running, you may have to check the manual to see if there was another backup power source you missed. Rather than immediately plugging power in again, wait a few minutes to give it some time to cool down and remain off.

  3. Reconnect Power Supply

    Now it’s time to power the system back up. Again, check your system’s manual to see the specific order in which you should reconnect power. Usually, a wired alarm system will have you plug the transformer back into the wall outlet, followed by the battery into the control panel. Most wireless systems are the opposite, plugging the battery back in followed by the transformer. 

    Now you should see the control panel lighting up again, though it could take a few minutes to get up and running fully. As the system boots up, it may ask you to enter your code in the control panel once or twice to reset the system.

  4. Run a Test

    Hand setting home alarm system
    Photo: Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images

    Now it’s time to make sure your alarm system is working. That means running a DIY test by setting the alarm as if you were leaving home and then opening a door or window while it’s set to verify the alarm will go off as usual. Make sure this doesn’t turn into a false alarm by immediately punching in your code and turning it off. 

DIY vs. Hiring a Pro 

If all you need is a quick reset, you can do this job on your own, no problem. But what should you do if turning the system off and on again doesn’t work? Well, you might have a bigger issue that needs more attention than a simple reset. 

Try working through steps one through four again just to be sure resetting isn’t doing the job, and if the problem persists, you will most likely want to contact your security company to help diagnose the problem. The cost of a home security system visit can vary, but some problems can simply be fixed over the phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wired alarm systems and wireless systems usually follow the same protocol when it comes to being reset. Simply cut the power supply to the system by turning it off, unplugging its transformer, and removing the backup battery. After a couple of minutes, replug everything you just unplugged, and the system should come back completely reset.

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Sophie Yalkezian
Written by Sophie Yalkezian
Contributing Writer
Sophie loves helping people make the most out of their homes. She is always researching ways to save money through DIY projects as she slowly renovates a 110-year-old Hudson Valley home with her husband. Her work can be found on mortgage and home services startups like and Landis.
Sophie loves helping people make the most out of their homes. She is always researching ways to save money through DIY projects as she slowly renovates a 110-year-old Hudson Valley home with her husband. Her work can be found on mortgage and home services startups like and Landis.
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