How to Remove a Tree Yourself

You don’t have to go home, tree, but you can’t stay here

A two story house with various trees in its yard
Photo: kosoff / Adobe Stock
A two story house with various trees in its yard
Photo: kosoff / Adobe Stock
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You know that old saying, a plant in the wrong location is just a weed. This includes any small trees mucking up the look of your outdoor space. While removing larger trees is not a DIY-friendly job, you can certainly get rid of many small ones on your own. There are plenty of tips for how to remove trees, but the following is a step-by-step process to ensure that you remove the tree both safely and efficiently. 

Why You Might Want to Remove a Tree

There are a whole bunch of reasons why you might want to remove a tree from your property. 

  • Relocation: If you are making room for a new structure or landscaping idea, any trees in the way require relocation. Removing the tree and replanting it somewhere else on the property is the best bet here. 

  • Unhealthy specimen: If the tree is dead, dying, or generally unhealthy, removing it is a good idea. A dying tree seriously ruins any outdoor aesthetic you are going for. Additionally, some diseases easily spread to nearby trees. 

  • Encroachment: If the tree is encroaching on other parts of your property, or if it is getting close to a powerline or a neighbor’s lawn, removal is likely necessary. 

  • Blocking the view: Trees are great, but they can also be overpowering. Branches can get in the way of that perfect window view and block the sun, limiting the growth rate of grass and nearby plants. 

  • Leaning in a dangerous direction: Trees don’t always grow straight up. They occasionally lean, tilt, and otherwise extend in potentially dangerous directions, such as near a child’s play area. 

  • You just want to: You don’t need a reason, really. It’s your home, so go for it.

Prepping to Remove a Small Tree 

Preparing to remove a tree is nearly as important as the removal process itself. In other words, this is a multi-step procedure. Follow the steps below to set your tree-removal project up for success. 

Check If You Can Remove It Safely Yourself

Remember, removing large trees is out of reach for average DIYers. But how can you tell if the tree is small enough to remove on your own? It’s not an exact science, but a good rule of thumb is to go for the simple ladder test. Generally speaking, if you need a ladder to reach any branches, the tree is likely too large to remove by yourself. 

Check the Permits 

Some states require permits to remove trees from your property, though this isn’t too common. However, nearly every state requires a permit for replanting the tree in a different location, especially if you are near power lines or other important municipal services. Some states also require inspections if removing an endangered tree or one that is above a certain height. Contact a local regulatory agency for more information. 

Safety First

This is a potentially dangerous project, as trees are deceptively heavy and saws are, well, not-so-deceptively sharp. There are also errant branches to worry about. Don a full suite of safety gear before attempting this project, including rubber gloves, a hard hat, and goggles. You should also wear long sleeves, long pants, boots, or closed-toe shoes for added protection. Beyond wearing the appropriate safety gear, there are other steps worth pursuing to ensure a smooth removal process.

  • Check for power lines: Nearby power lines are an absolute no-no when removing a tree. Check the area thoroughly for any dangerous electrical lines. If any are present, you should call in a pro for the job.

  • Mark a falling zone: Measure the diameter of the tree, including the uppermost branches, and mark a potential falling zone. This step allows people to avoid the area in case the trees fall over. 

  • Don’t go it alone: In the case of tree removal, DIY refers to completing the task without professional help. However, regular help from friends or family is absolutely recommended. Trees are heavy, ultra-durable, and difficult to predict.

  • Stay on solid ground: Whenever possible, stay on solid ground when preparing a tree for removal. Climbing a ladder is okay for a branch or two, but if the tree requires a ladder for a majority of the pruning stages, it is best left to a pro. 

Plan to Remove a Tree During the Ideal Time of Year

Each type of tree boasts a perfect time of year for removal. For instance, small deciduous trees are easiest to remove in the fall after the leaves drop, while evergreens are better transplanted in early spring or late summer. Research the tree type ahead of time and plan accordingly. 

Do Not Remove a Tree or Stump with a Truck

While you may see many videos online instructing you to pull a tree or tree stump out using your truck, this can lead to major repairs. Most trees have deep roots, and the average pickup truck won’t have enough traction to pull it out. Horsepower won’t make a difference as the main issue is a truck’s ability to have traction with the ground. Attempting to pull a tree out with a truck could result in damaging your truck’s drivetrain (and an expensive trip to the auto shop).

Decide What to Do With the Tree

Before removing the tree, have a disposal or replanting plan in place. Composting the tree is an option, as is positioning it somewhere else on your property. If you want the tree completely gone from your property, check your local yard waste recycling program for approved locations where you can dispose of your tree. It’s recommended that you don’t bag and throw trees into your garbage bin, as those bins won’t go to recycling.

Replanting the Tree

Close-up of a person measuring a tree trunk using a measuring tape
Photo: Ludmila / Adobe Stock

Sometimes instead of removing a tree, you may want to relocate it to another part of your yard. We'll go over those steps first, but if you want to remove the tree completely and compost it, skip down to the next section.

  1. Water the tree ahead of time. Begin watering at the base of the tree two or three days before the removal process. This step helps moisten the soil, which, in turn, makes it easier to dig and lug out the tree stump. Repeat this process daily until the day of the removal. Not only does this reduce the difficulty when digging, but it also makes it much easier to remove the ball.

  2. Measure the trunk girth. Measuring the trunk all the way around gives you an approximate depth of the root ball and various roots. For every inch of trunk diameter, expect to dig down 6 inches to get the roots out. Use a tape measure for this task and mark down the results for later. The girth of the trunk indicates the tool needed to complete the composting project. A simple handsaw is a decent option for thin tree trunks, but a chainsaw is the best choice for larger and thicker trunks.

  3. Replanting prep. You want to minimize any damage throughout the removal process, so start this prep by wrapping the branches loosely with a tarp and securing everything with rope or twine. 

  4. Have a planting hole in the new location ready to go. This hole should be two to three times the width and 2 to 3 inches less than the depth of the root ball at the pre-existing location. 

  5. Dig around the roots. Dig around the perimeter of the tree to expose the root system, as it extends to the outer edge of the canopy. Go as deep here as the previous girth measurement indicated. Keep digging until the entire root system and root ball are exposed. 

  6. Remove the root ball. Using your body weight as leverage, position the shovel underneath the root ball and apply pressure until it pops out of its hole. Work slowly and carefully here to preserve the integrity of not just the root ball, but the entire root system. 

  7. Tip and transport. Lay an appropriately-sized tarp or section of burlap on the side of the hole you just dug. Now, gently tip the tree into it. With the root ball removed, this should be fairly easy. However, task some friends or family members to help in the case of a stubborn tree. 

  8. Once the tree is lying on the tarp, tie it together and cover it up. Gather those same helpers to transport the tree to its new location. As a warning, trees are exceptionally heavy so be prepared. 

  9. Replant and tidy up. Now, tip the tree into its new hole, going in the opposite direction as before. Remove the tarp or burlap and fill in the hole with excavated soil. Tamp the soil gently and add some tree stakes or flexible tree ties for additional support. Tidy up both spots by removing any debris and excess soil. 

Disposing and Composting the Tree 

If you are composting the tree instead of relocating it, here are the steps to make short work out of the project. 

  1. The first two steps are the same as they were in the process listed above, so water the tree and measure the girth via those instructions. 

  2. Prep for compost. If you are composting the tree, you can basically cut it up piece by piece to make the process go by quickly. Start prepping for the removal by cutting away any branches you can immediately access. Wear safety gear for this process and focus on smaller branches that are easily cut with a handsaw or lopper. If some branches are too thick for these tools, break out the chainsaw, but wear earplugs and go slowly.

  3. Cut and remove above the trunk. Use that same handsaw, or even the chainsaw, to cut the tree down at the trunk. Give yourself plenty of room here and a large escape route should things go awry. To minimize the risk of accidental injury, cut 1/3 of the way through the trunk and then offset this by cutting an inch on the opposite side. Finish it off on the original side, but be prepared: This step is where the tree will fall.

  4. Cut the tree into pieces: After you cut the tree down, cut it into manageable pieces and then cut those pieces down even smaller. Work slowly and carefully here. Breaking the tree down simplifies the composting process. 

  5. Expose the roots. Now you'll want to remove the stump. You can choose a few stump removal methods, but this one is one of the simplest. The root system of the tree likely extends to the outer edge of the tree’s canopy. Start digging around this perimeter and go as deep as your previous trunk measurement indicated. This is likely somewhere around 18 to 24 inches deep, though it varies depending on the size of the tree. Keep digging until the entire root system, and the root ball is exposed.

  6. Cut away and remove the roots and root ball. Depending on the size of the tree, you may need a chainsaw for this task. If the root ball and roots are on the smaller side, give it a go with a traditional handsaw or a lopper. 

  7. Finish the job. Once the various parts are cut and removed, you are basically finished. Cover up the area with topsoil and transport the tree parts to a composting facility.

DIY Tree Removal vs. Hiring a Pro

Two people digging around the roots of a tree
Photo: aumnat / Adobe Stock

Again, this is only a DIY-friendly process if the tree is on the smaller side. If the tree is taller than you and you need to use a ladder, it is too big to DIY. If the tree is anywhere near power lines, you’ll also want to contact a local arborist for help. These pros boast plenty of expertise to get the job done, and they are insured in case something goes wrong. 

Additionally, they know all about local permits and regulatory requirements, especially when replanting. They also come with specialized tools, like trunk grinders, that speed up the process. Tree removal costs $200 to $2,000, with smaller trees falling on the lower end of that price range. You can negotiate your tree removal cost but consider removing multiple trees at once or handling clean up yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Leaving the tree stump and letting it rot is never a good idea, as this leads to insect infestations and other frustrations. Additionally, decomposing trunks are at risk for diseases that spread out to the remaining plants and trees in the yard, thus ruining your whole outdoor aesthetic. It's usually best to remove the stump at the same time you remove the tree.

Tree roots are hearty and complex systems, so they don’t die immediately after the rest of the tree is removed. If you leave the root system in place, it takes anywhere from two to seven years for it to run out of nutrients. It is worth noting, however, that the roots stop growing and expanding after cutting down the rest of the tree.

You can use the formula mentioned earlier to calculate the depth of tree roots. Each inch of width of a tree trunk translates to six inches of depth within the root system. Large trees extend anywhere from 2 to 6 feet into the ground, with some magnificent specimens going even deeper.

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