How to Get Rid of Owls Around Your House

Give a hoot about humane owl removal

Owl sitting in tree
Photo: Wichyanan Limparungpatthanakij / iStock / Getty Images
Owl sitting in tree
Photo: Wichyanan Limparungpatthanakij / iStock / Getty Images
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Owls are amazing and beautiful creatures out in the wild. But they can create a few headaches when hanging out in your yard. But here's the thing: Giving a hoot about these stunning birds is vital. They keep the ecosystem in check by being top-notch predators, so ensuring a peaceful coexistence is critical. Here, we peck out humane methods for how to get rid of owls without causing any harm.

Why Do I Have Owls in My Yard?

Owls are attracted to yards for several reasons, mostly related to their hunting and nesting behaviors. Understanding what owls perceive as amenities will help you take steps to coexist with owls or discourage their presence peacefully.

  • Rodent activity: Owls are skilled hunters attracted to areas with abundant rodent populations. Simply put, yards overrun with rodents are a buffet for owls.

  • Open spaces: Owls prefer open areas where they can hunt effectively. Yards with open lawns or fields are appealing, as they provide clear sightlines.

  • Nesting sites: Owls may choose yards with suitable nesting sites. Trees, shrubs, sheds, barns, attics, or nesting boxes provided by humans may attract owls.

  • Bird feeders: They attract small birds and small animals. For many owls, these creatures make quick and easy meals.

  • Small pets: Owls are opportunistic predators. They may visit yards where small pets are left outside and unattended.

  • Water sources: Owls need water for drinking and bathing. Yards with ponds, birdbaths, or other water features may attract owls, especially during hot and dry periods.

How Much Does It Cost to Remove Owls?

First, when wondering how to get rid of birds, it’s crucial to know that federal and state legislation safeguards owls, ensuring their protection. And these laws are very necessary. Around 13 species of owls in the U.S. are on the endangered list. 

For people with owl issues on their property, working with a local wildlife professional is best to ensure that the birds are dealt with legally and humanely. Costs vary from $190 to $585, based on your location and the extent of the issue. Nest removal costs are typically an extra expense. But remember, it's important to note that you can't disturb an active nest belonging to a native species. 

How to Detect Owls in Your Yard

Owl on perch in yard
Photo: AHPhotoswpg / iStock / Getty Images

While not all owls are nocturnal, the ones who are can be hard to spot. Also, some owl species are better at hiding their presence than others. Here are telltale signs to look for if you have a hunch that owls might be hanging out in your yard.

Owl Sounds

Not every owl hoots; even among those that do carry a hooting tune, it's not their only vocal trick. Alongside hoots, owls can produce various sounds, including chirps, whistles, screeches, barks, growls, or even the occasional spine-tingling scream.


Owls typically swallow small animals whole and then regurgitate indigestible parts of their prey into pellets. If you find small, dark-colored, oval-shaped objects on the ground, often near a favored roosting or nesting spot, these could be owl pellets. 


Owl poop might easily be confused with pigeon droppings—a thick, white paste-like substance that doesn't easily dissolve in water.


Research the types of owls in your area and look for owl feathers around your yard or under trees. Owls lose feathers naturally, and they’re a clear sign of their presence.


Owls typically don't construct their own nests from scratch. Instead, they frequently repurpose abandoned nests built by other creatures. These nests might get a cozy makeover with additions like bark, feathers, animal fur, and leaves. So, if you notice an abandoned nest may have a new tenant, it could be an owl.

How to Make Your Yard Less Inviting to Owls

Because owls are protected, your goal is to encourage owls to find alternative habitats. Creating an unwelcoming environment for owls in a humane manner involves making your property less attractive to them without causing harm. Here are some steps you can combine for optimal impact.

Rodent Control

Implement effective pest control measures to reduce the presence of rodents, which are a primary food source for owls. Secure trash cans, eliminate food sources (like pet food left outdoors), and seal off openings where rodents might hide or enter your yard. And yes, ditch that bird feeder.

Habitat Modification

Seal any openings, holes, or crevices in buildings, sheds, or trees that owls might use for nesting. Install owl nesting boxes nearby to provide an alternative nesting option. Additionally, Owls love to roost in dense evergreens and other types of trees. Trim or remove overhanging branches that owls may use.

Visual and Auditory Deterrents

Unsettling owls using various methods is easy and effective. Reflective objects, scarecrows, motion-activated lighting, loud talk radio, and large eagle decoys throughout your yard could do the trick.

Install Spikes

You can deter owls from hanging out in barns or sheds without causing harm by installing spikes in areas where they like to roost. You will find this type of bird deterrent in most home improvement stores. To install, use industrial glue or screws.

How to Use Netting to Keep Owls Away

Net covering plants in yard
Photo: Catherine McQueen / Moment / Getty Images

Learning how to keep owls away might be as simple as figuring out how to install bird netting. Bird netting can be used to prevent owls from swooping into or walking into parts of your yard. The frustration it causes may encourage owls to leave.

Remember that while netting can be an effective method to protect your yard from owls, it's essential to ensure that it doesn't harm other wildlife inadvertently and that its use complies with local regulations and animal protection laws. 

1. Assess the Area 

Identify the areas in your yard where owls pose a threat, such as garden beds, ponds, or areas with small pets. It will also help you determine how much netting to use.

2. Gather Materials

Choose a sturdy, fine mesh netting designed for bird protection. Remember, the owl shouldn't be able to get through the mesh. You will also need support posts or stakes to create a framework for the netting. The posts should be at least 10 feet high so that there’s headroom. 

You may want to pick up some gravel to secure the posts. To secure the netting to posts, use zip ties or twine. To secure the nets to the ground to create walls, you will need landscape staples or weights. Grab your wire cutters and scissors to cut and shape the netting.

3. Install Support Structure

Using a shovel, install support posts or stakes around the area you want to protect. Space them evenly, about 5 to 10 feet apart, depending on the size of the area. As a rule of thumb, the holes for the stakes or posts should be roughly 2 feet deep. Afterward, secure them with dirt or gravel

4. Attach Netting

Using a ladder and the help of a friend or two, drape the bird netting over the support structure, ensuring that it covers the entire area you want to protect. Secure the netting to the posts using zip ties or twine, ensuring it is taut and doesn't sag.

5. Secure the Bottom

To prevent owls from walking or swooping under the netting, secure the bottom edges to the ground. You can use landscape staples or weights to hold it down.

6. Trim Excess Netting

Trim any excess netting using scissors or wire cutters to ensure a neat and secure fit.

7. Regular Maintenance

Periodically check the netting for damage or sagging. Repair or tighten as needed to maintain its effectiveness.

8. Monitor Effectiveness

Keep an eye on your yard to see if the netting effectively deters owls. Adjust or reinforce the netting as necessary.

DIY vs. Hiring a Pro

Whether to handle an owl issue yourself or hire a professional depends on the specific circumstances, regulations, and your comfort level with wildlife management. Here are some factors to consider:

Do It Yourself

  • Knowledge and experience: If you know the owl species, their behavior, and effective deterrent methods, you can address the issue yourself.

  • Cost: DIY methods are often more cost-effective, as you won't incur expenses for professional services.

  • Humane approaches: DIY methods can be humane if executed correctly, focusing on discouraging owls from hanging out rather than harming them.

Hiring a Professional

  • Legal considerations: It is illegal to harm owls. And in many instances, you can only relocate them with proper permits. Professionals can ensure compliance with wildlife regulations.

  • Expertise: Wildlife professionals have the knowledge and experience to assess the situation, identify the owl species, and employ effective and ethical methods for owl management.

  • Safety: Handling wildlife, including owls, can be risky. Professionals have the necessary training and equipment to handle these situations safely.

  • Ethical considerations: Professionals prioritize the welfare of the owls and the preservation of local ecosystems while addressing any concerns you may have.

  • Long-term solutions: Wildlife experts can provide long-term solutions that consider the ecological balance and help prevent future owl-related issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Studies indicate that owls don't possess a conventional sense of fear. However, they find intense, sudden human noise unsettling, like clapping or shouting. Additionally, owls are likely spooked by sudden bursts of bright light. While they may not experience fear as humans do, these disturbances can disrupt their natural behaviors, making it essential to minimize such disruptions when sharing spaces with these remarkable creatures.

An owl's worst enemy in the wild is often other raptors and environmental factors. Among the avian threats, larger owls or other birds of prey can pose a danger, engaging in territorial disputes or competing for food resources. Terrestrial predators like foxes, raccoons, and larger mammals may target owl nests or young fledglings. Environmental factors like severe weather conditions, habitat loss, and food availability changes can also significantly impact owl populations.

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