Leaving the sprinklers running is bad for your wallet and your lawn
Sprinkler water usage varies from household to household.
You can estimate each sprinkler head to use 1 to 5 gallons of water per minute.
By zone, sprinklers use about 15 gallons of water per minute.
You can save water by using the sprinkler timer wisely and keeping your lawn aerated.
If you’ve ever watched water from your sprinklers run off your lawn and into a sewer, then you’ve felt the pain of watching your money go right down the drain. Outdoor irrigation is one of the top sources of household water use, and although lawns and plants do need a lot of water, you could be overwatering, wasting both water and money. So how much water does a sprinkler use, and is yours wasting too much water? Read on to learn how to estimate sprinkler water usage, determine water costs, and find ways to conserve more water in your yard.
A sprinkler system uses 2 to 5 gallons of water per minute per sprinkler head. The total amount of water your system uses depends on the type of sprinkler head and how long you water your lawn. You can estimate how much water your sprinkler uses by comparing an off-season water bill to a bill from the months you water your lawn.
You can also calculate your water usage using the formula below. Most sprinkler systems operate at 30 PSI, which averages 3 gallons per minute per head.
Water Usage Formula: Gallons per minute per sprinkler head x number of sprinkler heads x number of minutes = gallons used
Example: 3 gallons x 10 sprinkler heads x 20 minutes = 600 gallons per watering
Given the example above, if you water your lawn three times a week, that’s 1,800 gallons a week, or 7,200 gallons per month.
Sprinklers can help provide the right amount of water to your lawn, and they don’t have to use up a lot of water. Whether you opt for a DIY sprinkler system or work with a professional sprinkler installation company near you, you can install a sprinkler system that is water-wise.
Keep in mind that learning how to install a sprinkler system, especially one with underground pipes, can be challenging and time-consuming. However, it’s often easier to control the water being used in a full sprinkler system than with a hose-end sprinkler, which attaches to the hose bib, or outdoor faucet, outside the home.
If you want to conserve water, lower your water bill, or prevent overwatering, follow these water-saving tips.
Set a timer to water your lawn before 10 a.m. to minimize evaporation.
Install a smart sprinkler system that automatically adjusts watering based on weather.
Create zones for your sprinkler system to target specific areas, such as a vegetable garden, shaded area, or full-sun lawn.
Water your lawn for 20 minutes three times a week to allow the water to soak into the ground.
Adjust watering times based on the season, decreasing water during rainy spring months and increasing it during the dry heat of summer.
Aerate your lawn to allow water to better soak into the ground.
Install an irrigation meter to reduce sewer bills.
Watch the weather and turn off the sprinkler on rainy days.
Sprinkler system installation costs about $1,600 to $3,600 total, but you may see costs based on the square footage of your lawn—about $0.20 to $1 per square foot—or by zone. If you set up different watering zones around your lawn, it costs $500 to $1,000 for the first zone, plus around $1,000 for each additional zone.
A hose-end sprinkler uses 1,020 gallons of water per hour, and a single sprinkler head uses 180 gallons per hour on average. If a sprinkler system has eight sprinkler heads, it uses 1,440 gallons per hour. Watering in the morning, setting a timer, and adjusting for weather conditions can help you conserve water.