How to Clean Granite Countertops the Right Way

Cleaning your granite countertops just got a lot simpler

Kitchen island with granite counter
Photo: Iriana Shiyan / Adobe Stock
Kitchen island with granite counter
Photo: Iriana Shiyan / Adobe Stock
40 minutes
Up to $25
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What you'll need:
  • Bowl
  • Microfiber clothes
  • Spray bottle
  • Dull plastic scraper
  • Water
  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Mild dishwashing liquid
  • Isopropyl alcohol

If you prize your counters–installation can cost between $2,000 and $4,000–you’ll want to learn how to clean granite countertops to ensure they stay as nice as they were when you first installed them. Fortunately, the proces is straightforward and you can do it with household ingredients you likely have on hand. This guide will tell you the best way to clean them and when to hire a pro.

  1. Make Your Cleaning Solution

    Before you can get your granite countertops sparkling clean, you need to make a solution to get the job done. Use a medium-sized bowl to combine one teaspoon of mild dishwashing soap with two cups of warm water.

  2. Remove Everything From Your Counters

    The best way to clean granite countertops is to make sure it’s thorough. Take all of the appliances and decor from the counters and place it aside. Then, use a microfiber cloth to clean crumbs, dust, and stuck on food. You can crouch down to eye level and check that every crumb is accounted for (which might be necessary depending on your granite countertop’s color).

  3. Clean the Surface

    A woman cleaning granite countertops with fiber cloth
    Photo: LPETTET / E+ / Getty Images

    Put your solution on the microfiber cloth, which should be damp, not soaking wet– too much water can damage granite. Place your cloth on the countertop and move it in small circular motions. You’ll continue this motion until your counters are clean.

  4. Dry Your Countertops

    Once you’ve finished cleaning the granite countertops, wipe them down with another clean, damp cloth. Then wipe it down with a dry cloth, allowing it to air dry completely.

  5. Disinfect Your Counters

    Use a spray bottle to make a disinfectant solution for your granite: Combine equal parts of isopropyl alcohol and water. Apply the spray and let it sit for five minutes. Use a clean microfiber cloth to dry it in a sweeping motion, moving the cloth back and forth.

  6. Create a Solution for Stains

    Close-up of a thick baking soda paste
    Photo: new look casting / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

    If your countertop has stains, you’ll likely need a baking soda paste. For oil-based stains, combine baking soda and water until it makes a thick paste. For water-based stains, mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide to form a paste.

  7. Apply the Paste to Stains

    For oil-based stains, apply the paste to it, then cover it with plastic wrap. Let the paste completely dry, which can take an entire day. For water-based stains, spread a thick layer of the paste on top of the stain. Poke some holes in plastic wrap, then place the plastic wrap over the paste-covered stain. Let the paste dry overnight, or for a couple of days.

  8. Remove Paste and Let Your Counters Dry

    Kitchen with a granite kitchen island
    Photo: Ashtproductions / Adobe Stock

    For both oil-based and water-based stains, scrape off the fully-dried stains using a dull plastic scraper. Then, wipe away the paste remains with a clean, damp cloth. Finish by wiping the countertop with a dry cloth.

Cleaning Granite Countertops: DIY vs. Hiring a Pro

Now that you know how to clean your granite countertops, performing daily maintenance is completely manageable. However, if you don’t know what caused the stain, you can’t remove it, or it’s set deep into the surface then assistance from a house cleaner near you may be in order. (You’ll know the sealant has degraded if you sprinkle a few drops of water on the countertop, and they disappear within five minutes.) Pros can deep clean the granite and reseal it afterward. Plus, they can help you tackle other parts of your kitchen cleaning checklist while there. On average, house cleaning costs $170.

Frequently Asked Questions

Acid can seriously damage granite countertops and lead to etching and erosion. This is why cleaning with vinegar isn’t recommended. Other acidic items that you should keep away from your granite countertops include:

  • Citrus

  • Acetone nail polish remover

  • Tomatoes

  • Ammonia

In addition, always steer clear of using bleach on or around your granite as it will degrade the countertop’s sealant quickly.

The best practice is to reseal the counters every few months or at least once a year, depending on how much traffic your kitchen gets. If you’re handy, you can learn how to seal granite countertops or leave it to the pros if you want peace of mind that it is done correctly.

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