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Charming Movers

Moving Companies, Storage, Piano Movers

About us

Additional phones - (202) 265-5555, (877) 536-3001.

Business highlights

20 years of trusted experience

Services we offer

Residential and commercial moving, piano moving, packing, & storage.

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Accepted payment methods

American Express


3.921 Reviews
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Showing 1-21 of 21 reviews

Laura T.
moving companies
  + -1 more
We had used Charming Movers on at least four other occasions and our most recent prior to this move was 6 years ago. We had such great service that we knew we needed to use Charming Movers. A lot has changed in the past six years and not for the best. When the movers got to our apartment they started complaining right away. We lived on the 5th floor of an apartment complex that also has am elevator. They moved us into this apartment 6 years ago and during that move no one complained. However today all they did was complain and wasted 30 minutes or so complaining and calling the owner to add another guy. They even tried to get 2 additional guys which both my husband and I felt was outrageous. We had spent this last week getting rid of old furniture and stuff that there wasn't much to pack and we only filled a quarter of their truck. When my husband called to schedule the move he told her all of the furniture that we had and about where we lived and where we were moving to. She said we only needed two guys and would definitely be under the $1000 we budgeted for. Two hours into this move the third guy shows up and yet we were charged for 3 guys for the full cost of the move and the 30 minutes plus they complained. I have never seen this company act so unprofessional. The owner's son and Jose kept bickering do this, no I do it that way. While I am grateful my items arrived at my new apartment without any damage, I will not be calling them again for any future moves. I will also note that my husband helped load the truck and that helped move them along. We had the elevator key which we didn't even need and there was no reason to come into the move and complain, especially when we had access to an elevator. Especially since the complaining was mostly from the owner's son. The only friendly person was the third guy they sent. He never complained and smiled the entire time. They need more employees like him, and if they make some changes I would use again but from what I see Charming Movers has lost their touch and their previous excellent customer service. It's very sad to see how this company went from the best we ever used to a stressful move. The owner's son actually asked us if we had to move our stuff out today. Them Jose kept saying it was a 13 hour move and would take 6-7 hours just to move our stuff out of our apartment. It took them 3 hours to load the truck and two to unload. They started the clock at 8:30 when they arrived, but not when they actually started moving stuff, which was 9:00. So we paid for a half hour of their complaining which wasn't professional or nice to hear and for a third guy who wasn't even there. Overall, I am unimpressed and will not use again.
Description of Work: Moving from Maryland to Virginia

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


moving companies
  + -1 more
Description of Work: They moved us from our storage unit to our new house in Florida.
Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro

Mark C.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Do not use this company. It is not worth any money you might save.
Description of Work: These movers and owner Sherrie are negligent and disrespectful. The movers pushed heavy filing cabinets on our wood floors (witnessed by others), causing deep gauges in the wood (1500 damage). Their workers claim they didn't cause the damage, though it was witnessed and the management refused responsibility though there were eye witnesses to prove the movers had caused the damage. The movers piled boxes on the scratches to try to hide the damage they had done. We called Sherrie to discuss the problem with her, she was argumentative and refused to talk to our witness or come and personally inspect the damages. The movers showed up to our house with not enough runners to protect the stairs and did nothing to protect our grass though they planned to walk across it to move the household items (I had to break down boxes I own to protect the grass. They also did not send as many movers as promised (one too few) so the move took longer then expected.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Charming Movers
Dear Angie’s List readers, please read the entire reply. It is very important for you to understand that this review is grossly inaccurate and inappropriate. If you would like to see proof of any of this documentation feel free to call our office at 301-738-2202 we would be more than happy to provide any supporting documentation to our side. Mr. [removed member's name] is claiming that the approximate price of the move was $7,000.00. We packed [removed member's name] on 5/6/15 and moved him on 5/7/15. The price of the pack was $882.00 and the move was $1,838.00 for a total of $2,720.00. If anybody would like to see the paid invoice we will be happy to provide proof of actual cost. The day prior to the move [removed member's name] were provided, via fax, the release form that states what is not covered by insurance, in which Mr. [removed member's name] signed and called Cheri stating were he would leave the forms. The day after the move Mrs. [removed member's name] called the office starting the conversation by saying “I know that floors and windows and such are not covered by insurance but your guy’s scratched our floor,” to which Cheri replied “did you or anyone else witness that alleged occurrence?” Mrs. [removed member's name] replied “No”. Cheri politely explained that even if insurance did cover her floor the insurance she chose was $.60cents per pound per article. Which would mean the third party insurance would pay on the weight of the plank. Mrs. [removed member's name] then started threatening Cheri that if she didn’t pay for the damages she would write a bad review on Angie’s List. Cheri further tried to explain to Mrs. [removed member's name] that moving insurance is like any other insurance. If your homeowners policy doesn’t cover flood damage and your basement floods you don’t get to call your insurance company and demand that they pay anyway. Please be aware that Mrs. [removed member's name] had a multitude of subcontractors working in her new home as we were trying to bring her furniture into her home. (This is not an ideal circumstance). Upon speaking with the general contractor Cheri asked him about the possibility of it being one of his workers to which he responded, “there not my workers they are subcontractors and they were not working in that area of the house.” Hmmmm??? After further threats Cheri requested that Mrs. [removed member's name] get an estimate and provide photos and would submit it to the insurance company and see what they would say trying to appease her. To this day we have never received any estimate or photos of any damage whatsoever. In reference to the amount of runners all trucks are outfitted with two very long runners that cover the main hallways and a stairwell. There was never a request to bring extra runners or even a concern for more runners. The information about the runners was disclosed up front to Mrs. [removed member's name] at the time the initial in-home estimate and the estimate that was emailed to her. Our Charming movers had to walk across the grass because subcontractor’s occupied the driveway and the movers had no other way to bring the furniture into the home. How else were they supposed to bring in the furniture??? In reference to us not bringing the promised amount of movers; unfortunately one of the mover’s babysitter called out, which left us one man short. We had a replacement dropped off within the hour to the job site to which is also detailed on the contract. Again, we would be more than happy to provide that information to anyone who would like to see it.

moving companies
  + -1 more
Description of Work: THE COST OF 3271.00 IS FOR HALF SERVICE. The other half when relocate.The B for professionalism is not do to effort of moving items but for some foul language, maybe two or three times with themselves.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Philip W.
moving companies
  + -1 more
My main complaint is when we were packing boxes with our main clothes and medications we clearly marked the top of the boxes so the movers would put them in the front when they were dropped off at the unit. The movers were advised of this request and also texted and it was confirmed received. We had to pay approximately $400 to move these boxes to get to what we needed and reorganize everything. They, also broke a few items. scratched tiles and put holes in the drywall. On top of that, we talked to someone at the business who claimed to be the owner and the conversation went on for about twenty minutes before I asked the question again and then she said she was not the owner no miscommunications here. Response to charming movers: I did not receive an apology from the secretary claiming she was the owner nor a phone call. The driver who swore he did not receive the imaginary text did receive it> I would be happy to post a copy of it or send it to you. This company is difficult to deal with and previous complaints have been disputed by them. I am not a lunatic but a disabled veteran who served 6 years in the USMC and do not regularly get involved in disputes. I decided to give them a chance by disputing through my credit card company which we are still in the process before going to Angies List. I felt that the drivers were representatives of the company and thought they would have said to call the office but instead they said no problem then on the morning of the delivery responded ok to our request. This company is certainly not customer centered and from what i see a bit dishonest deal with them at your own risk! As far as putting boxes in specific place do movers dump all boxes in your foyer when it is delivered or do you tell them which room to put it in. Special instructions seems to be a bogus response. Why should I settle for $225.00 when actual damages were close to $700 with new clothes and medications and office documents we had to pay for. I did send a copy of the text to the credit card company.
Description of Work: They moved all over our belongs from Maryland to Deleware.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Charming Movers
Dear Angie's list readers, It's very important for you to understand that [removed member name] claim is grossly inaccurate and unfair. We are more than happy to provide documentation to support our side of the matter. If you are interested in reviewing the documentation all you need to do is call and make a request. Let me start by saying it was never the office assistants intention to mislead [removed member name] to believe that she was the owner. She was multitasking and misheard the question. When she realized that he thought that she was the owner she corrected the situation and then sent a letter to him apologizing for the confusion dated 7/28/14 of which we will refer to as (Document A). A claim form was mailed the next business day to which [removed member name] filled out and returned dated 8/25/14, the post mark is 8/27/14. We will call this (Document B). The claim form does not have any damages listed in the space provided on the form whatsoever. The only damage mentioned via telephone is a scratch on the floor that [removed member name] stated he fixed himself. Next, a Charming Movers Inc. proof of loss and damages claim findings letter was sent to [removed member name] on August 31, 2014. The letter reads[removed member name] Charming Movers claims department is unable to process your claim for the following reason: company policy is as such all special instructions are to be reported to the office prior to your move date, no such instructions at anytime before or during the move was given to the office.” This letter also states, "additionally it has been brought to my (claims representative) attention that the accounting department has authorized a $225.00 credit as a gesture of good faith.” This letter we will call (Document C). The $225.00 credit of good faith was offered to [removed member name] and he declined. In reference to the text that [removed member name] claims that he sent to the driver, no such text was ever produced for review by anyone as [removed member name] has stated in his review. We do have a document from the driver that states, and we quote, "I Brian Hill never received a text message about the boxes that were supposed to be left in the front of the storage unit. I did speak with the customer on the phone about leaving some of those boxes with her son-in-law so that's what I/we as a crew did. So the son-in-law had taken some of the boxes, and the few that were left, we left where he asked them." We will call this (Document D). Theoretical texting to a driver while he's driving a commercial vehicle or car for that matter is unsafe, illegal to read, and inappropriate. It is also part of Charming Movers policy that the owner or owners of the belongings are present at the time of the offload of said belongings. In the rare occasion that the client cannot be present someone partied to the owner must be present to give proper instructions. Isn't it possible that the son-in-law could have potentially given incorrect instructions? [removed member name] never produced an invoice of said company that he had paid to move his belongings around, additionally [removed member name] attempted 2 charge backs from credit card company and both denied his request. In the final request for chargeback[removed member name] stated to the representative that that she was to convey to Charming Movers if we did not give him the money he would go to Angie's list and write a negative review. We are happy to provide the chargeback information, we will call those (Document E and F). If you request these documents to be faxed or emailed to you, you might notice that the details change each chargeback and then change again in his review. Charming Movers really does try to do the best job humanly possible. We are of the human race and have made mistakes that we are happy to own. But this was not one of them.

Andrew H.
moving companies
  + -1 more
I told them that I just went bankrupt called them to move us and they said to just let me know what size of house it is and I said it was 1300 square feet and they and they said that it was 800.00 dollars and I told them that they we went bankrupt. I asked them to please to come out and give me a estament they said they did not have to . They lied to me and charged me 2,400.00 dollars. Then after they delivered them I was opening boxes and saw all my frame Glass were broken. My classic stereo system from the 60's was broken could not get fixed I found that problem after I hung it on the wall. About two months after I moved in. They tol me that If I did not have the money up front they would not take my furniture and all other stuff in the apartment. They are the worse company I had to deal with ever very rude. I do not wish anybody to deal with them they were just horrible people to deal with.
Description of Work: They moved us from Potomac, Maryland to Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Charming Movers
To Angie's List Subscribers, [member name removed] was never told his move would cost $800. When the estimator went on site, he told him the job would take 6-8 hours at the approximate cost of $1,272 which was contingent upon the customer being ready for the move. Being ready for the move consisted of [member name removed] packing, thinning out and discarding numerous items. At this point, our experienced estimator tried to inform him there would be a lot to do. The estimator really tried to make him aware that he was taking on a large task. On the morning of his move, [member name removed] called to say he was going to write a check and could we hold the check for a week before depositing it because "he had just filed for bankruptcy" which is against Charming Movers policy and he was reminded at that time that Charming Movers doesn't accept checks but we accept all credit cards or cash for convenience to which he replied that he didn't have the funds and would need to work on it. He was asked if we should still send the crew or if we should wait for another day to which he said go ahead and send the crew and he would figure it out. He called back with a credit card number and asked us to run it for $800 and the card was declined. He said he would phone back with another plan; all the while, the crew was on its way. He finally called back and asked to be charged $1,300 to a different card, which we did. He had already paid a $100 deposit to initially book the move date. The crew arrived and a walkthrough was done which is standard in the moving industry at which point it was discovered that there was glass broken on pictures and numerous other items that had pre-existing damage. Before the move got started, the crew leader called the office so that we could note his file about the pre-existing damage. Shortly thereafter, [member name removed] asked the crew leader how much he thought it would cost to do the move considering all that he had not accomplished to which the crew leader replied, approximately $2,000-2,500. This figure was given because he had not done what he said he was going to do in an effort to keep costs low. At that point, [member name removed] said to go ahead and proceed with the move until we got to the $1,400 mark which was the amount he had pre-paid. The actual amount that was due for the move was $1,510.55 because of how the hourly rate works out. The move was 9 hours total, 8 hours at the discounted 4 man rate plus one hour of overtime, which is required by law to be paid out to our employees. [member name removed] paid us $1,400 leaving a balance of $110.55 to which he said that he would pay later. In closing, we did in fact give him his 10% discount. The original 4 man rate is $175 per hour and he paid $159 per hour, we also waived the balance in light of his current financial duress. At no time did [member name removed] call the company and ask for a claim form or even to report any damage whatsoever. We at Charming movers feel that [member name removed]'s claim for $800 on pre-existing damages is unfounded and unfair. Angies List is the first we are hearing of any of this. We have documentation on all the points stated above and Charming Movers will happily provide this to anyone that is interested in viewing it.

Andrew H.
moving companies
  + -1 more
The stuff they move is broken. My Stereo and pictures are broken. Said it would charge 800 to move me, when they showed up it was $2500. I wound up paying $1350 for part of the moving and hired some else to finish. I would never use them again. I had a coupon and they wouldn’t except it.
Description of Work: They moved some of my stuff into my apartment.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Charming Movers
To Angie's List Subscribers, [member name removed] was never told his move would cost $800. When the estimator went on site, he told him the job would take 6-8 hours at the approximate cost of $1,272 which was contingent upon the customer being ready for the move. Being ready for the move consisted of [member name removed] packing, thinning out and discarding numerous items. At this point, our experienced estimator tried to inform him there would be a lot to do. The estimator really tried to make him aware that he was taking on a large task. On the morning of his move, [member name removed] called to say he was going to write a check and could we hold the check for a week before depositing it because "he had just filed for bankruptcy" which is against Charming Movers policy and he was reminded at that time that Charming Movers doesn't accept checks but we accept all credit cards or cash for convenience to which he replied that he didn't have the funds and would need to work on it. He was asked if we should still send the crew or if we should wait for another day to which he said go ahead and send the crew and he would figure it out. He called back with a credit card number and asked us to run it for $800 and the card was declined. He said he would phone back with another plan; all the while, the crew was on its way. He finally called back and asked to be charged $1,300 to a different card, which we did. He had already paid a $100 deposit to initially book the move date. The crew arrived and a walkthrough was done which is standard in the moving industry at which point it was discovered that there was glass broken on pictures and numerous other items that had pre-existing damage. Before the move got started, the crew leader called the office so that we could note his file about the pre-existing damage. Shortly thereafter, [member name removed] asked the crew leader how much he thought it would cost to do the move considering all that he had not accomplished to which the crew leader replied, approximately $2,000-2,500. This figure was given because he had not done what he said he was going to do in an effort to keep costs low. At that point, [member name removed] said to go ahead and proceed with the move until we got to the $1,400 mark which was the amount he had pre-paid. The actual amount that was due for the move was $1,510.55 because of how the hourly rate works out. The move was 9 hours total, 8 hours at the discounted 4 man rate plus one hour of overtime, which is required by law to be paid out to our employees. [member name removed] paid us $1,400 leaving a balance of $110.55 to which he said that he would pay later. In closing, we did in fact give him his 10% discount. The original 4 man rate is $175 per hour and he paid $159 per hour, we also waived the balance in light of his current financial duress. At no time did [member name removed] call the company and ask for a claim form or even to report any damage whatsoever. We at Charming movers feel that [member name removed]'s claim for $800 on pre-existing damages is unfounded and unfair. Angies List is the first we are hearing of any of this. We have documentation on all the points stated above and Charming Movers will happily provide this to anyone that is interested in viewing it.

Mary R.
moving companies
  + -1 more
I would like to express a sincere THANK YOU to Cheri, Tony, and their team of movers. They were punctual, professional and friendly. The move from one house to another went flawlessly. I highly recommend this company for your moving needs, and will use them again in the future! It was a pleasure to work with them!
Description of Work: Charming Movers packed my old home on a Thursday, maintained my belongings overnight, and delivered and unpacked at my new home on Friday.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Charming Movers
[member name removed], Thank you so much for that lovely review! We aim to please! Cheri

Austin D.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Moved us from DC to Florida
Description of Work: .

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

sandi M.
moving companies
  + -1 more
The guys who did the move were superb. I don't know how they got our household goods in one truck...genius logistics. The company was very responsive to our change in moving plans. Everything arrived in perfect shape. Very easy to work with. The only draw back was they wouldn't take the boxes that I quickly unpacked away. Company policy. Other than that, they were great.
Description of Work: Moved us from Maryland to Virginia.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Lalit G.
moving companies
  + -1 more
It took much longer than I expected. The movers were slow. I ended up picking up most the heavy boxes as they were making trips for empty light boxes. I got yelled by the owner before she listened to me to begin with. I was told different things when I booked but on the day of booking it was lot more than I was told and promised. Then when I tried to reason with the owner I was threatened to cancel the move and leave the site.
Description of Work: Moving

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Charming Movers
After careful checking, we have determined that we have no match for this name or dollar amount for the date provided. We believe that this review is under the wrong company Sincerely Charming Movers

marian S.
moving companies
  + -1 more
moving company to allow a drop-off of donations. I was especially impressed by the way they moved my VERY heavy piano (approx 400 to 800 pounds) with even dinging the walls. The moving company I had used to bring the piano in years ago put a very large hole in the wall that I needed to repair. I would highly recommend these movers!
Description of Work: Charming movers were not only the least expensive mover I contacted, but were also the most accommodating to my needs. They packed and moved my entire house. Since my belongings took up 3/4 of a huge truck, I was able be the only customer on the the truck. This allowed them to give me an exact date of arrival of the truck, rather than a several day (up to 10 days for one company) range the larger carriers offered. They packed so well that even light bulbs packed individually were unbroken. They also were the only

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Thomas O.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Great! The guys were very professional and friendly. Have not gone through all the items yet, but they handled everything very carefully.
Description of Work: Moved from 2 locations (condo & storage) to our new house.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Michael B.
moving companies, storage units
  + 0 more
We highly recommend Charming Movers. They are not only careful with your belongings but go the extra mile to help you. We added the storage unit boxes after the original estimate and pick up from our house. No damage and they were very meticulous in both houses not scarring any walls... No other company we interviewed could beat their prices.
Description of Work: Charming moved our furniture from Northern VA to their storage facility in MD temporarily until we settled on new home in SC. They picked up our boxes at another VA storage facility and combined them with our furniture. Then later successfully moved everything to SC.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Margaret M.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Charming Movers did a very good job. They were very professional and organized. I knew exactly what was going to happen during the move. I think it was recommended by a real estate agent. I feel fortunate that I used them. Everything arrived safely, there were no broken items. The crew was extremely professional and careful in my home and in moving to a condo I'm living in. I was pleased.
Description of Work: Packing and moving to a new address.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Charles P.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Movers were on time and fast. Got all items in and out without incident. Great service!! This is my 2nd time using charming movers. Both times were excellent service.
Description of Work: Moving service.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Wendy P.
moving companies
  + -1 more
.We hired 2 packers to come to the apartment and pack all of our things on the day before the move. The woman worked efficiently, but I had to stand near the man to get him to stop talking and work. I noticed that the woman was wrapping pots and pans individually in paper. I told her to stop doing that since they were unbreakable items. But when we started unpacking the boxes on the day after the move, we found that they had wrapped excessively, including such items as a plastic spatula and plastic serving spoons and forks, a plastic pitcher, cork coasters. We even found 2 garment bags wrapped and placed in a box by themselves. We hired 3 movers. You would think that they would be capable of moving the contents of a 2 bedroom apartment, which didn't even include a sofa, in less than 8 hours, but their work spilled over into overtime rates, which is even more amazing since the 2 apartments are about 3 miles apart, a mere 7 minute or so drive. The movers disappeared for long periods and blamed their absence on the fact that neither apartment building had a freight elevator and they had to wait for residents using the elevators. My daughter had visited our apartment thousands of time in the 10 years we lived there, and had to wait maybe 5 or 6 times for an elevator. Both buildings are only 4 stories. Our old apartment had only 20 apartments, and our new apartment building, only 4 stores also, is a senior residence. Nobody much has to wait for an elevator. Their excuse is ridiculous. Plus the excessive packing created so many unneeded boxes that the move took longer. We were also uncomfortable with the head mover asking for money to "take care of his workers." He wasn't satisfied with one tip but kept pressing for more money. Three items were broken even with all the wrapping. A table leg was knocked off, a handmade ceramic item was broken, and the knob on an antique desk was knocked off, which we just discovered. The insurance policy on the contract gives you almost nothing for damages. Be sure you have a signed contract and read it. Follow the movers from door to truck to make sure they're not stalling, and be very clear about what you want packed, and stand over the packers to make sure they're working and not wrapping every plastic item they can get their hands on . We asked for money back on the move and received a small amount back on the packing and next to nothing on the broken items. BEWARE.
Description of Work: The company's packers arrived at our 2 bedroom apartment on November 8, 2012, to pack the contents of our apartment. On November 9th, their truck arrived, and their workers emptied our apartment of all furniture, boxes, and clothes, and moved everything to our new apartment nearby. After completing the job in overtime, they loaded 3 additional items into the truck and drove them to our daughter's home, unloaded 2 of these items and brought them into the house, and then removed 2 other items from the daughter's home and took them to disposal along with a 3rd item from our apartment.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Charming Movers
In November 2012 Charming Movers (CM) was contracted to perform a packing and moving job for the client; 2 packers and 3 movers were scheduled. On the day of the pack job, a veteran CM employee as well as a new (highly experienced) CM packer were dispatched to the job. Due to a wide range of customer expectation in terms of packing etiquette, the new employee was a bit over zealous in the packaging of several items. It has been our experience in the past that many customers, with seemingly non-fragile items, wish for those items to be securely packaged along with the rest of their belongings. We have since changed our company policy to have clients specifically indicate the handling of items that are of a seemingly non-fragile nature. The vast majority of CM employees have been with the company for many years and have affected a family-like relationship with one another. This would most likely account for the excessive amount of communication between staff members that the client indicated in her complaint. On the day of the move, there had also been an indication that CM staff had taken an inordinate amount of time between moving loads of furniture. To that end, all CM employees are instructed to give first preference of all elevators to the residents of the building. Though it may not take a long time for residents to catch an elevator, there is indeed a longer wait time when one considers the need for an empty elevator to transport furniture and boxes. CM agrees that there is never an appropriate time for staff to ask for a tip from a client. We believe a gratuity is something given at the desire and discretion of the client. The CM employee in question was reprimanded and cautioned from further monetary inquiries of any CM clients. As the client indicated, the job did end up running over the anticipated time allotment. However, when large exercise equipment is scheduled to be disassembled, there is a chance we may run into overtime. This eventuality, coupled with long wait times to access the elevator, and delivery of furniture to two locations, caused the job to take longer than initially anticipated. The client mentioned a few items that were damaged in transport and did also acknowledge receipt of payment for the damages. Industry requirements indicate $0.60 per pound, per article for damages as an acceptable rate. All CM contracts clearly state our compliance with the requirement and all contracts are read and signed prior to any packing or moving. In this particular case the client was reimbursed per the industry requirement, for damages and was also reimbursed for 2 hours of packing time. We apologize for any inconvenience and/or stress this may have caused the client. At Charming Movers we strive to provide a positive move experience to all our clients and regret when they are not 100% satisfied.

moving companies
  + -1 more
The price was to high and I found another company that was half the price. They didn't offer any specials for any moves too. They were friendly and professional.
Description of Work: I had contacted them to get an estimate for my move.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Karen W.
moving companies, storage units
  + 0 more
They were very professional and their price and service were great.
Description of Work: We hired them for a long distance move from Alexandria, Va. to Tampa, Fl.. They stored our belongings for 2 1/2 months and delivered promptly.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Cathy A.
moving companies
  + -1 more
We contacted several moving companies, both large national companies as well as smaller local ones. Charming Movers was the only company that said they'd come to our house to do the inventory and provide us with a precise estimate (no hidden costs or fees). The other companies we contacted suggested we do our own inventory for an estimate or they could charge us to for an estimate (which would be credited to our bill if we used their services). The owner came to the house and did a complete inventory telling us exactly what the move would cost. They also provided us with the option of sharing the truck with another family moving south which would have reduced our costs considerably, but our tight schedule would not permit this option. We agreed, signed the contract and scheduled the dates for the move. We packed everything that would fit in moving boxes that we bought at Home Depot. Home Depot also sells tape, as well as packing paper and bubble wrap. (We found the tan tape, they sometimes have in stock, sticks a lot better than the clear tape). There was no need for us to pack clothing that was in drawers or on hangers, or items too big to fit in boxes. On moving day Charming Movers arrived on time even though it was difficult to park their moving van on the cul-de-sac in front of our house. They covered all walkways and stairs to protect the floors and keep them clean. They worked quickly to wrap and pack up everything. Hanging clothes were placed in special wardrobe boxes provided by Charming Movers. Several large pieces of furniture had to be squeezed down a very tight stairway, but they worked as an experienced team and carefully maneuvered the furniture out of the house. They were extremely well organized and wasted no time. Once they left, we did our final sweep and started driving to Florida. Charming Movers left the next morning and arrived in a day and a half (shortly after we did). We were pleasantly surprised when they called us and asked if it would be okay to deliver in the afternoon instead of the next morning as originally planned. We were delighted to receive our furniture a day early. Once again, unloading was seamless and well organized. Some of the same staff who loaded the truck conducted the unloading as well, so they knew where everything went. Boxes were placed neatly in the exact areas that we designated and all furniture was carefully placed in the desired areas. Hanging clothes were all put where we wanted them. Not a single item was scratched, damaged, or missing. The total cost was exactly what Charming Movers said it would be.
Description of Work: We moved from the Silver Spring, MD area to Naples, FL. The services performed included an accurate estimate of the cost, timely and professional packing and loading of our furniture and household belongings in Silver Spring. Two days later Charming movers arrived in Naples and promptly unloaded and set up all furniture, and placed all boxes in the designated areas.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Ronald and Linda S.
moving companies
  + -1 more
They are a good company. I have been in contact with them for several moths because the house has taken awhile to sell. They have been very accommodating.
Description of Work: They are planning to move us May 29, 2012.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

    Contact information

    713 Smallwood Road Unit B, Rockville, MD 20850

    Service hours

    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM




    Eco-friendly Accreditations

    LEED Accredited Professional
    Energy Star Partner
    EPA Lead-Safe Certified
    Use Green Products or Work Practices
    State Contractor License Requirements

    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

    *Contact business to see additional licenses.

    Service Categories

    Moving Companies,
    Piano Movers


    Charming Movers is currently rated 3.9 overall out of 5.

    Sunday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

    Monday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

    Tuesday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

    Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

    Thursday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

    Friday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

    Saturday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

    Charming Movers accepts the following forms of payment: American Express,Check,MasterCard,Visa
    Yes, Charming Movers offers free project estimates.
    Yes, Charming Movers offers eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Charming Movers does not offer a senior discount.
    No, Charming Movers does not offer emergency services.
    Yes, Charming Movers offers warranties.
    Charming Movers offers the following services: Residential and commercial moving, piano moving, packing, & storage.
    Please see for details

    Contact information

    713 Smallwood Road Unit B, Rockville, MD 20850

    Service hours

    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    8:30 AM - 6:30 PM